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Exemplary seniors earn Graduating Student Awards

Four students from the Department of Computer Science earned Graduating Student Awards. These honors are conferred to seniors who are nominated by faculty, staff or fellow students for their outsanding contributions.

"The Department of Computer Science is proud to have graduates like Sasha, Will, Cathleen, and Matthew," said Ken Anderson, chair of the department. "We celebrate Matthew’s research accomplishments and hope they inspire other students to seek out the joys of our undergraduate research opportunities. We applaud Will’s dedication to his education and the ownership he took in finding his passions and his homes here at CU, and sharing his wisdom so that other students can follow in his path and find their way to success. We are grateful for the impact that Sasha and Cathleen have had on our undergraduate community. Their leadership in creating opportunities for students in our department, college, and on campus—via Sasha’s work on Engineering Council and Cathleen’s work in CU’s Women in Computing—will have profound impacts for many years to come. They are excellent students who went above and beyond to improve our community to make things better for all. All four students have my thanks and I wish them, and all of our graduates, great success as they move on to the next stage in their lives.

The Department of Computer Science will celebrate graduation in a virtual ceremony on Thursday, May 6 at ​1 p.m.