Ben Finan

Ben Finan (IntDesEngr'22) receives alumni engagement medal

Feb. 15, 2024

Finan has maintained active involvement with CU Engineering and the IDE program since his undergraduate years. His leadership and commitment are evident through his mentorship of undergraduate engineers and teams.

Humsini Acharya

Humsini Acharya's Impactful Path from the New Venture Challenge to Innovative Leadership

Feb. 8, 2024

Learn about Humsini Acharya's path as an entrepreneur and IDE alum.

Rachel Rupprecht

Racheal Rupprecht recognized with Alumni Engagement Medal

Feb. 7, 2024

As an engineer with Medtronic, Rupprecht's continued commitment to the IDE community, learning and service is exceptional, and she is a great role model to our current students and alumni.

Sydney Kobak

Saving the world, a hair tie at a time: Q+A with Sydney Kobak

Dec. 18, 2023

Sydney Kobak, a graduating senior, has been recognized by the college for her academic engagement, including balancing her classwork with a startup venture and her leadership in the Integrated Design Engineering program.

Robert Wang portrait and photo with Mindy Zarske

Undergraduate student presents research at national conference

Aug. 31, 2023

Robert Wang (IDE'25) participated in the 91ÖÆƬ³§¹ú²úAVy Learning Apprenticeship (DLA) program at CU Boulder in the summer of 2023. He did research on the benefits of interdisciplinary engineering education programs similar to his own major, Integrated Design Engineering.

Medina-Lopez holds her group's capstone project, a hand-held plume evacation device

Award winner embraces kindness as part of perseverance

May 2, 2023

Yamelit Medina-Lopez wasn't sure if she should even pursue engineering. Now, through the support of her communities, hard work and by taking care of herself, she's graduating as a Ball Aerospace manufacturing engineer and community leader.

Gary Yu wears the portavax backpack

Students invent device for delivering COVID-19 vaccines to rural areas

Gary Yu, a mechanical emphasis and business concentration student was the test engineer for the 2021 first-prize New Venture Challenge Portavax, a portable, super cold vaccine transportation unit that can safely hold and transport up to 250 vaccine doses for four days.

Rachel Sharpe conducts maintenance on one of the 3D printers.

Labs use 3D printers to create face shield parts for health care workers

Rachel Sharpe, Senior with a Mechanical Emphasis and Engineering Management concentration teamed up with the ITLP and other engineers at CU to help create personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus crisis.


Student Spotlight: Rachel

When Rachel heard Engineering Plus took a more project-based approach, she knew she wanted to be a part of the program. Her she can be a part of the start-up community, study Mechanical Engineering and develop skills in other areas like classroom interactions, finance and accounting, marketing and more.


Student Spotlight: Beatriz

Beatriz used the program to create a path that would fit her graduation timeline without having to spare a full summer and pay a high program fee. She used the summer to intern for Adidas instead.
