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Staff Council Blood Drive April 4—6

CU Boulder Staff Council and Vitalant

Staff Council is celebrating our 50th year partnering with Vitalant by holding a blood drive on April 4 — 6th. Participants of the blood drive will receive a CU-branded 50th anniversary baseball cap, as well as cupcakes to celebrate this milestone.

In the 50 years CU Boulder Staff Council has been in this partnership, 40,466 units of blood have been collected. That's 121,398 lives saved through this important program. And as our national blood supply sinks to its lowest level in a year, we encourage all who are eligible to commit to donating. For less than an hour of your time, your blood donation can save up to 3 lives.

Be the Match will also be on site for those unable/ineligible to donate blood, or who wish to double their impact. Learn about how to be added to the bone marrow registry and how important it is to expand the registry as wide as possible.

All donors are encouraged to make an appointment using the links below, and must be feeling well and healthy at the time of donation.

Main Campus Donor Information

When: April 4, 5 & 6th
Where: CU Recreation Center, Ice Rink Overlook
Time: 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Sign-ups by date

Unfortunately, for this blood drive we will not have an East-Campus donation location. However, you can also donate at several other Vitalant locations; just make sure to use the code “0248” when making an appointment on the so your donation is attributed to CU.

For more information about Be the Match visit https://my.bethematch.org/BuffsSwab or text Buffs Swab to “61474”.

Staff Council is committed to inclusivity and understands that some may not be eligible to donate. We invite all to be involved in other ways. For more information about volunteering at our events, including but not limited to blood drives, please contact Staff Council.