Published: April 14, 2017


The winning CU Bravo Team post-race

On March 19, an team from 91ƬAV placed first at the annual Bataan Memorial Death March, a challengingmarch through the high-desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

CU Bravo Teamtook first place in the Team ROTC Heavy division out of 48 ROTC heavy teams and 54 open/military heavy teams, finishingthe marathon race at 5:47:14.

The winning team was comprised of five runners: cadets David McCormick, Colin Campbell, Maxwell Leicester, Cary Sullivan and Andrew Dahm.

CU Alpha Teamearned second place in ROTC Heavy and third overall, and CU's all-female teamplaced seventh—finishing at 8:08:17ahead of41 maleheavy teams.

The isconducted in honor of the heroic service members who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II, sacrificing their freedom, health and, in many cases, their very lives. Each year it is attended by many of the survivors of the march along with thousands of supporters from around the world.

Regarded as one of the top 30 marathons in the United States, the commemorative race covers both paved road and sandy trails. Several surviving Bataan prisoners usually await competitors to congratulate them on completing the grueling march.