Meeting Minutes, April 17, 2018

 The Arts and Sciences Council and Faculty of Arts and Sciences Meeting, April 17, 2018, 3:30-5:00

Meeting Minutes

Representatives present: Barbara Buttenfield, GEOG; James Cowell, LING; Priscilla Craven, FRIT; Cathy Comstock, RAPS; John Gibert, CLAS; David Grant, MATH; Leslie Irvine, SOCY; Janet Jacobs, WGST; Berit Jany, GSLL; Daniel Jones, HNRS; Carl Koval, CHEM; Julie Lundquist, ATOC; Matt McQueen, IPHY; Stephen Mojzsis, GEOL; Yuko Munakata, PSYC; David Paradis, HIST; Lonni Pearce, PWR; Jason Potter (for David Boonin), PHIL; Patricia Rankin, PHYS; Kelly Sears, FILM; Ted Stark, THDN; David Stock, EBIO; Ding Xue, MCDB  

Representatives not present: Julio Baena, SPAN; Christine Brennan, SLHS; Janice Brown, ALC; Brian Cadena, ECON; Kim Dickey, AAH; Erica Ellingson, APS; David Ferris, HUMN; Holly Gayley, RLST; Kwame Holmes, ETHN; William Kleiber, APPM; Joanna Lambert, ANTH;  Ramesh Mallipeddi, ENGL; Carol Wessman, ENVS

Also in attendance: Reece Auguiste, ex officio; David Brown; Robert Ferry, ex officio; Vilja Hulden; Kristy Tiampo; Jim White

Stephen Mojzsis called the meeting to order at 3:33PM.

Chair鈥檚 remarks, Stephen Mojzsis

Professor Mojzsis thanked the ASC representatives for their service and individually thanked the Executive Committee, the chairs of the ASC Standing Committees: Leslie Irvine, Patricia Rankin, Kristy Tiampo, Vilja Hulden, Daniel Jones, David Stock and John Gibert.

Professor Mojzsis welcomed Reece Auguiste from CMCI.

The representatives congratulated David Grant. MATH, for receiving the University of Colorado President鈥檚 Teaching Scholar Award.

Dean鈥檚 Remarks, Jim White

The Provost is putting together a campus-wide committee to look at the structure of the College of Arts and Sciences. Nominations for the committee will be accepted until April 25; William Kaempfer will chair. The committee will be looking at all the white papers submitted concerning re-organizing the college.

The Provost has reappointed Dean White for another year as interim dean; his appointment will be revisited next spring.

Assistant Dean Cindy Justice in Academic Advising is leaving May 1. Jennifer McDuffie, Assistant Vice chancellor for Student Affairs, will step in as interim Assistant Dean and will also guide the search for a new dean. Dean White and AVC McDuffie are committed to keeping Academic Advising in the college.

An ad hoc committee on instructors is being put together with the help of Rolf Norgaard. The committee will have a broad charge, working on instructors鈥 rights and rolls. The committee will be composed of instructors and tenure track faculty; they will begin meeting late August. 

A search committee for the new position, Associate Dean for Inclusive Practice, has been formed. The short list of candidates will be distributed to faculty and staff soon.

Motion to change the by-laws of the ASC

Shall we invite鈥攁t the status of ex-officio non-voting Observers鈥攖he Chair of the CMCI Faculty Council or its designated representative?

Yes-21   No-0   Abstain-1

Motion to implement the by-laws of the ASC by appointment of a Parliamentarian

That we implement our by-laws which allow for a Parliamentarian of the ASC. Prof. Barbara 鈥淏abs鈥 Buttenfield has been nominated so serve as Parliamentarian until July 2019.

There were no additional nominations.

Yes-21   No-0   Abstain-1.  Barbara Buttenfield was elected ASC Parliamentarian.

Annual business reports of our standing and ad hoc committees

Budget Committee, Patricia Rankin

Professor Rankin reported that the Budget Committee is studying the base budget model. The committee is still working on a solution to the new course fee model and is also watching the costs of grants, start-ups and benefits. Professor Rankin thanked the committee for its work.

Online Education Committee, Vilja Hulden

The committee was surprised by the announcement of the CU Interdisciplinary Studies, online B.A.; it is based in the College of Education so out of A&S jurisdiction. The committee then decided to focus on understanding and improving online education in the college. In the fall, they hope get information from the departments and submit a report so it can be understood how many online courses are in A&S, who is teaching the courses and how they differ from traditional courses.

Curriculum Committee, Leslie Irvine

The Curriculum Committee has met eight times this spring with 2 more scheduled meetings. The committee has reviewed four proposals for changes to majors and minors; reviewed nominations of 8 courses for the General Education Distribution requirements; reviewed nominations of 24 courses for the Diversity requirement; reviewed four new courses from Small Academic Programs. During the final two meetings the committee will vote on revised by-laws that incorporate the language of the Gen Ed requirements, rather than the core, and the committee will elect a new chair.

Diversity Committee, Daniel Jones

Daniel Jones thanked the committee for their work. The committee wants to help the campus work toward making diversity goals institutionalized rather than voluntary with measurable outcomes. The committee will be working with the reshaping of FCQ鈥檚, the selection process for the new Associate Dean for Inclusive Practice and for more support of DACA students.

Personnel Committee, Kristy Tiampo

The Personnel Committee invited people to present on Unconscious Bias and Racial Bias and Student Assessments in an effort to become more aware of these issues. The Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure section of the website has been updated and the dossier review process has gone online for the college with one paper copy going to OFA. The Professors of Distinction Process will no longer be handled by the Personnel Committee and will instead be reviewed by a group of current Professors of Distinction. This year, among the Professors of Distinction selected was ASC representative Janet Jacobs.

The Personnel Committee reviewed 12 comprehensive reviews, 12 promotions to associate with tenure, 11 promotions to full, one promotion to associate clinical professor, 3 teaching professors and 4 professors of distinction.

Planning Committee, David Stock

The Planning Committee has been looking at the state of undergraduate advising in the college. The departments were polled and the biggest complaint is the loss of discipline-specific knowledge in Advising. The committee met with Dean White, Kyle McJunkin and Cindy Justice and worked on a series of recommendations that include hiring advisors with discipline-specific knowledge to be housed in the departments that feel they are needed.

Grievance Committee, John Gibert

The Grievance Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the dean. There were no grievances this year.

Injuries to Football Players, David Grant

The committee realized early that sports injuries go beyond football players and the committee would like to broaden its charge to brain trauma for all student athletes. Professor Mojzsis suggested meeting with Professor Grant to discuss and to bring the discussion to the Executive Committee.

ASC Chair election/confidence vote, Leslie Irvine, presiding

There has been one nomination; Stephen Mojzsis is standing for re-election. Professor Mojzsis, discussed his goals for the future which included more transparency, better interpersonal communication to avoid miscommunications, implementation of the Strategic Plan and for the ASC to follow carefully any action from administration that effects the faculty.

Professor Mojzsis was re-elected by the following vote: Yes-20   No-1   Abstain-1

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50PM

Minutes submitted by Janice Jeffryes