
The Construction Engineering Management faculty has a wide variety of research interests. Some areas of interest include:

Matthew Hallowell is leading a project sponsored by the National Science Foundation that aims to predict safety performance on complex and dynamic projects using attributes of the physical environment and risk mitigation practices as predictor variables. The predictive analytics used in this study are similar to those used to forecast trends in climate and weather. This project directly addresses construction safety, a critical societal concern that affects approximately six percent of the US workforce.
The concept of risk generally involves the identification of uncertain events that may occur and the likely consequences that may follow. Risk management includes identifying the various events or circumstances that may prevent or enable an organization to achieve its objectives and to devise ways to mitigate, avoid, transfer, or accept the consequences of uncertain events. A emerging trend is the use of enterprise risk management to identify and respond to treats to the strategic objectives of an organization, including climate change, natural disasters, economic volatility, and political instability. This research project, led by Keith Molenaar, Matthew Hallowell and Amy Javernick-Will investigates the strategic benefits of ERM and the best practices of implementation within large transportation agencies. This research supports the current federal-aid highway legislation, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21stCentury (MAP-21), which highlighted the need for U.S. transportation agencies to understand and apply the principles of risk management throughout their organizations.
As shortages of skilled craft professionals have been a recurring trend in the last three decades, the Construction Industry overwhelmingly agrees that it has hampered growth. The situation has even worsened in the recent years, since the industry needs to attract, train and retain 185,000 new workers by 2016 to sustain its growth. This research project led by Paul Goodrum and funded by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) aims to examine the labor, productivity, safety, and project cost impacts of major shifts in the demographics of craft labor availability. To do this, the following objectives will be achieved.
  • Analyze the trends, including the current situation, of craft labor availability in the United States and Canadian construction industry and determine if a craft labor cliff is likely to exist
  • Identify how craft availability impacts a specific project鈥檚 safety, cost, schedule, and quality performance
  • Identify how to mitigate potential craft variability鈥檚 impact on a project鈥檚 safety, cost, schedule, and quality performance.

More details about other research efforts can be found .

A project led by Amy Javernick-Will focuses on organizations and is funded by the National Science Foundation. This project analyzes knowledge sharing networks in multinational engineering and construction organizations to determine boundaries that divide knowledge sharing and practices that enable inclusive, multi-lateral networks through boundary-spanning connections.
Another project led by Amy Javernick-Will, which is also funded by the National Science Foundation, focuses on communities impacted by natural disasters. The project determines and measures pre-disaster conditions and post-disaster strategies to determine which of these conditions and strategies, combined or in isolation, enable community recovery in resource-limited communities. Dr. Javernick-Will鈥檚 page can be found .
Keith Molenaar is leading research funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, the Federal Highway Administration and the Colorado Department of Transportation to explore the relationship between risk allocation and project delivery selection. The projects are studying risk allocation in design-bid-build, design-build, construction manager general contractor and public-private partnership project delivery methods.

The following is a list of topics that are studied by Construction Engineering Management faculty. They are always seeking well-qualified graduate students to participate on research projects. Please feel free to contact individual faculty members to learn more about their research.

  • Alternative Project Delivery Methods
  • Risk Analysis and Management
  • Cost Estimating and Management
  • Safety in design
  • Safety social networks
  • Leading indicators of safety
  • Predictive analytics
  • Hazard recognition
  • Situational awareness
  • Safety on global projects
  • Live demonstrations of injuries
  • Risk perception and tolerance
  • Contingent liability modeling
  • Construction innovation
  • Enterprise risk management
  • Rural project management
  • Safety on sustainable buildings
  • Industry Productivity Measurement
  • Productivity Improvement and Assessment
  • Building Information Modelling
  • Constructability and Lessons Learned in Construction
  • Innovations in Construction
  • Workforce Shortages and Strategies in Construction
  • Construction Demographics
  • Knowledge Mobilization
  • Knowledge and Communication Networks (Social Networks)
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Social Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects
  • Resource-limited communities
  • International Development and Global Projects
  • Management and Governance of Multi-national Organizations
  • Diversity
  • Boundaries and Boundary-Spanning
  • Enterprise and Project Risk Management