Hallie Adams

Hallie Adams

PhD Student of Geography • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2014 • Ecohydrology • Vegetation-Water Interactions • Climate change impacts on forest and water resources
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Ecohydrology, vegetation-water interactions; climate change impacts on forest and water resources. Faculty Advisor: Holly R. Barnard
John Adler

John Adler

Instructor of Geography • Ph.D. 2010 • Satellite & Aircraft Remote Sensing • UAS Operations
Physical Geography
Note: John Adler does not advise graduate students. Recent Courses Taught Spring 2024 GEOG 4003/5100 UAS for Earth Observations Spring 2024 GEOG/GEOL 4093/5093 Remote Sensing of the Environment Fall 2023 GEOG 4003/5100 UAS for Earth Observations Fall 2023 GEOG/GEOL 4093/5093 Remote Sensing of the Environment Spring 2023 GEOG 4003/5100 Advanced Remote Sensing Spring 2023 GEOG/GEOL 4093/5093 Remote Sensing of the Environment Fall 2022 GEOG 4003/5100 UAS for Earth Observations Fall...
Cole Akeson Portrait

Cole Akeson

M.A. 2013
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Political and economic geography; energy resources and geopolitics; Ukraine & Russia; volunteerism Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Dunn Thesis 2013 - Scale, Funding and the Law in Ukraine: Delocalizing Organizations and Impoverishing Movements Research Interests My MA research investigates the relatively low rates of volunteerism, especially within civil society organizations, in Ukraine. One aspect of this research focuses on the disconnection between A) registered organizations reliant upon international grant...
Claudio Alvarez Portrait

Claudio Alvarez

M.A. 2013
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: forest ecology on tree line Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2013 - Influence of climate variability on radial growth of Nothofagus pumilio near altitudinal treeline in the Andes of northern Patagonia, Chile
Chris Amante

Christopher Amante

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2018 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2012
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Sea ice, glacier melt, climate change. Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati Thesis Title: Consideration of Elevation Uncertainty in Coastal Flood Models
Scott Anderson Portrait

Scott Anderson

M.A. 2013
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Geomorphology; fluvial systems Faculty Advisor: John Pitlick Thesis 2013 - Sediment Fluxes in a Changing Climate: Tahoma Creek Over Daily to Centennial Time-Scales
Christopher Anderson-Tarver Portrait

Christopher Anderson-Tarver

M.A. 2010; Ph.D. 2015
Areas of interest: GIS and uncertainty Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2010 - Generalizing a Swamp-Marsh Databaase Using Texture 2015 - Crisis Mapping the 2010 Earthquake in OpenStreetMap Haiti
Robert Andrus

Robert (Robbie) Andrus

PhD 2019 • Areas of interest:听biogeography; dendrochronology; disturbance ecology; forest ecology • M.A. 2015
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen
Naomi Arcand Portrait

Naomi Arcand

Ph.D. 2013
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: biogeography, forest ecology and restoration, population genetics, political ecology Faculty Advisor: Susan Beatty Thesis 2013 - Demography and Genetic Diversity of the Endemic Tree Fern Cibotium chamissoi on O鈥檃hu Island, Hawai鈥檌: A Multi-Method Analysis of Population Dynamics, with Implications For Conservation Research Interests I am interested in tropical forest dynamics and restoration ecology at multiple scales, with an emphasis on applied conservation research. My dissertation focuses on...

Mason Auger

Ph.D. 2015
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Native American Culture; Symbolic Land Use Faculty Advisor: Joe Bryan Thesis 2015 - Boundless, Wild and Free: An Exploration of human-wildlife ecologies in Greater Yellowstone.

Adriana Raudzens Bailey

M.A. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Mountain climate and surface fluxes Faculty Advisor: Roger Barry Thesis 2010 - Attribution of Wintertime Inversion Frequencies to Synoptic Circulation in the U.S. Southwest
Emily Baker Portrait

Emily Baker

M.A. 2015
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: snow hydrology; forest disturbance Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2015 - Quantifying forest mortality with the remote sensing of snow
Ted Barnhart

Theodore (Theo) Barnhart

Ph.D. 2018
Physical Geography
Area of interest: Terrestrial Hydrology Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2018 - The Response of Streamflow and Evapotranspiration to Changes in Snowmelt Across the Western United States

Jennifer Bartmess

M.A. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Terrorism, Migration and the Middle East Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin Thesis 2012 - Securitization in Yemen, 2000-2010: Shifting Geographies of Political Contention
Andrew Birch

Andrew Birch

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV 2020 • Areas of interest:听Tropical Hydrology and Biogeochemistry in Panama Canal Watershed
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Holly Barnard Dissertation Title: The influence of land cover on runoff generating mechanisms and biogeochemical processes in central Panama
Jessica Bobeck

Jessica Bobeck

M.A. 2017 • Areas of interest:听Remote sensing; cryosphere; geophysics
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati
Andrew Bock Portrait

Andrew Bock

M.A. 2011
Physical Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: hydrologic modelng, limnology, GIS/spatial analysis Faculty Advisor: Stefan Leyk Thesis 2011 - Multiscale landform characterization for land use evaluation using fuzzy sets

Stephanie Booker

M.A. 2009
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Maasai;environment, religion Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Thesis 2009 - Correctly and Consistently Christian: Medical Missionaries and Lutheran HIV Prevention in Arusha, Tanzania
Ben Brayden Portrait

Benjamin (Ben) Brayden

M.A. 2013
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Forest ecosystems; climate change; invasive species; human impact Faculty Advisor: Susan Beatty Thesis 2013 - Mountain Pine Beetle Impacts on Tree Resources and Growth Release in Lodgepole Pine Dominated Subalpine Forest
Photo portrait

William Bredemeyer

Ph.D. 2017
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Spatial analysis, human environment Faculty Advisor: Seth Spielman Thesis 2017 - Racial, Socioeconomic Status and Age Distribution over time in the U.S.: Trajectories of Neighborhood Segregation in 1970-2010
Mollie Buckland photo portrait

Mollie Buckland

M.A. Geography 2019 • Interests: wildfire, megafires
Physical Geography
Faculty advisor: Jennifer Balch Thesis title : What is a megafire? Defining the social and physical dimensions of extreme U.S. wildfires (1988-2014)
Isaac Bukoski photo portrait

Isaac Bukoski

M.A. 2019 • Interests: groundwater-surface water interaction, water quality
Physical Geography
Faculty advisor: Holly Barnard Title: Summer Runoff Generation in Foothill Catchments of the Colorado Front Range
Ethan Burns

Ethan Burns

MA - 2022 • Hydrology • Ecohydrology • Vegetation and water Interactions in foothill and montane regions • B.S. from University of the South
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Holly Barnard Title:
Margaret Burns Portrait

Margaret (Maggie) Burns

M.A. 2014
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: carbon cycling; soils; hydrology Faculty Advisor: Holly R. Barnard Thesis 2014 - Hillslope Dissolved Organic Matter Transport and Transformation in a Semi-arid Headwater Catchment
Sean Burns

Sean Burns

Post Doc • Subalpine Forest Carbon and Water Cycling • Ph.D. 2018, CU Boulder
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Subalpine Forest Carbon and Water Cycling Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken Research Interests My research goal is to improve our understanding of the meteorological factors and conditions that control the exchange of energy and gases between the surface and atmosphere in complex, forested terrain. This research is carried out at the University of Colorado Niwot Ridge Subalpine Forest AmeriFlux site where a 26-m tall tower is used to...
Sidney Bush photo portrait

Sidney Bush

Hydrology • Ecohydrology • Geochemical transport processes • PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2022 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2018
Physical Geography
Recent Publications Birch, AL, Stallard, RF, Bush, SA , and Barnard, HR. (2021), The influence of land cover and storm magnitude on hydrologic flowpath activation and runoff generation in steep tropical catchments of central Panama, Journal of Hydrology, 596, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126138 Bush, SA , Stallard, RF, Ebel, BA, and Barnard, HR. (2020), Assessing plot鈥恠cale impacts of land use on overland flow generation in Central Panama, Hydrological Processes, 34, 5043鈥 5069, https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13924...
Brian Butterworth Portrait

Brian Butterworth

M.A. 2011
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: climatology Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken Thesis 2011 - A climatological study of the relationship between alpine treeline and thermally-driven upslope winds on Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Noah Campbell

Noah Campbell

MA 2023 • U.S. West Resources and Climate Change
Faculty Advisor: William R. Travis
Kate Carlson

Kate Carlson

MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • Cartography • Geovisualization
Cartography and Geovisualization Advisor - Barbara Buttenfield Thesis Title:
Ethan Carr

Ethan Carr

PhD Student of Geography • Cryosphere • Climate Change • Glaciology • Sea Ice • MA from 91制片厂国产AV, 2024
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze
Rachel Chai

Rachel Chai

PhD Student of Geography • Biogeography and entomology • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2017
Physical Geography
Faculty advisor: Tom Veblen
Teresa Chapman

Teresa Chapman

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV, 2020 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2009 • Biogeography
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Biogeography Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis: 2009 - Spatio-temporal patterns of mountain pine beetle activity in lodgepole and ponderosa pines of the southern Rocky Mountains Dissertation: 2020 - Effects of disturbance patterns on montaine and subalpine forests in Colorado
Afton Clarke-Sather Portrait

Afton Clarke-Sather

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: China; development, human-environment interactions Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2012 - From The Heavens to the Markets: Development, Nation, and the Mediation of Water in Northwest China
Sade Cromratie Clemons

Sade Cromratie Clemons

MA 2023 • Tree growth and water use in relation to climate conditions • Hydrology and Water storage
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Holly Barnard
Katherine (Katie) Clifford

Katherine (Katie) Clifford

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV, 2019 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2014 • American West; decision making and uncertainty; climate change; land and water resources; environmental justice; environmental knowledge
Areas of interest: American West; decision making and uncertainty; climate change; land and water resources; environmental justice, environmental knowledge Faculty Advisor: William Travis Katie is a human-environment geographer who focuses on climate, hazards, governance, justice, and environmental knowledge in the American West. Broadly, she asks how maladaptive environmental policies may hinder adaptation, exacerbate inequalities, and compromise socioecological sustainability. Specifically, her research explores the consequences of how we measure, monitor, and...
Joel Correia

Joel Correia

Ph.D. 2017 • Indigenous rights, development, legal geographies, political ecology, Latin America
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Joe Bryan Research Interests I draw from political ecology, legal geography, cultural geography, and development studies literatures to investigate questions related to indigenous rights, land and cultural politics, representation and subjectivity, agrarian change, and development in Latin America. My dissertation research investigates how international indigenous rights law intersects with domestic politics to create new territorial orders and governable spaces, while shaping indigenous rights "on the ground", influencing cultural...
Max Counter

Max Counter

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2019 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2015 • IDPs; refugees; Colombia
Human Geography
Areas of interest: IDPs, refugees, Colombia Faculty Advisor: Joe Bryan Thesis 2015 - La Doble Condicion: Physical Impairment and Internal Displacement in Colombia Dissertation 2019 - Land on Trial: Law, Forced Displacement and Land Restitution in Colombia
Rory Cowie

Rory Cowie

M.A. 2010 • Ph.D. 2014
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: hydrology; water resources Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2010 - The Hydrology of Headwater Catchments from the Plains to the Continental Divide, Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado 2014 - Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in Natural and Mining Impacted Mountain Catchments
Austin Cowley Portrait

Austin Cowley

M.A. 2014
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Forced Migration in the South Caucasus Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Dunn Thesis 2014 - Losing Value: the Problem of Humanitarian Order in a Georgian IDP Camp
Alex Crawford

Alexander (Alex) Crawford

Ph.D. 2017 • M.A. 2014 • Climate change; polar research; snow and ice
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: climate change; polar research; snow and ice Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze Thesis 2014 - A New Look at the Summer Arctic Frontal Zone
William Cumming Portrait

William (Preston) Cumming

Ph.D. 2013
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Vegetation Dynamics, Invasive Species, Biogeography, and Soils Faculty Advisor: Susan Beatty Thesis 2013 - Fine scale climatic and soil variability and its effect on plant species establishment and abundance along the Front Range of Colorado, USA Research Interests My research interests lie in the vegetation dynamics of post fire sites along the ecotone of the Front Range of Colorado, USA. I want to see how the natural...
Angela Cunningham

Angela Cunningham

Ph.D. 2019
Human Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: landscape and historiography Faculty Advisor: William Travis Title: The War Each Soldier Brings Home: American Great War Veterans as Mediators of Militarism鈥檚 Geographies
Bryan Curtis

John (Bryan) Curtis

PhD Student of Geography • Biometerology • Land-Atmosphere Interactions • M.A. 91制片厂国产AV, 2019
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken MA Thesis title: Improving the Quality of Subalpine Precipitation Measurements with Hydrometeor Information and a Hierarchical Bayesian Gauge Correction Model
Sepideh Dadashi

Sepideh Dadashi

MA 2018
Physical Geography
Areas of Interest: GIS, remote sensing Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Balch Thesis 2018 - What is a Fire? Identifying Individual Fire Events Using the MODIS Burned Area Product
Becky Davies

Becky Davies

M.A. 2017 • Spatial statistics, computing, demography, land use
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Seth Spielman
Meredith DeBoom

Meredith DeBoom

Ph.D. 2018, M.A. 2013
Human Geography
Areas of interest: political geography, natural resources Faculty advisor: John O'Loughlin Research Interests: African Studies, BRICS and Emerging Economies, Critical Geopolitics, Development Studies, Extractive Industries and Society, Inequality, Mixed Methods, Resource Governance and Policy, Political Ecology, Political Geography, State-Building and Nationalism, Southern Africa Skills and Expertise: ArcGIS, Dedoose, NVivo, R, SPSS Thesis PhD 2018 - Developmental Fusion: Chinese Investment, Resource Nationalism, and the Distributive Politics of Uranium Mining in Namibia...
Amy DeCastro photo portrait

Amy DeCastro

PhD- 2022 • Interests: dogs, swimming, spatial statistics, satellites, human geography, climate, math, overall silliness
Faculty advisor: Jennifer Balch Title: 鈥淚ntegrating Remote Sensing, Behavior Modeling, and Machine Learning to Better Understand the Patterns and Drivers of Wildfire鈥
Jessica DiCarlo

Jessica DiCarlo

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • critical development studies • political ecology • infrastructure • Southeast Asia • Southeast Asia
Environment-Society • Human Geography
Introduction I graduated with my PhD Summer 2021. I am interested in academia. I studied under the supervision of Emily Yeh and completed my masters in Development Studies at the University of California Berkeley. In 2019, I was a visiting Global China Initiative fellow at Boston University鈥檚 Global Development Policy Center. My dissertation draws on 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork in Laos and examines the construction and planning of the...
Zhaxi Duojie

Zhaxi Duojie

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV 2020 • Development Geography; Migration Geography, Geography of China, Tibetan Plateau
Human Geography
Dissertation title: Tibetan Farmers in Transition: Urbanization, Development and Labor Migration in Amdo. Research My dissertation research focuses on the relationships between state development projects and urban labor migration and how the cultural politics of contemporary Chinese modernity shapes decisions about both house-building and migration. Using ethnographic methods, my doctoral research project examines how social, cultural, political-economic factors intersect to influence Tibetan labor migration and with what effects on Tibetan...
Andrew Eiswerth

Andrew Eiswerth

MA - 2022 • maritime territorial disputes • political geography • energy geopolitics • Cyprus • previous degrees from Georgia College & State University
Human Geography
Advisor: John O'Loughlin Title: Contested Maritime Territory: Turkish Claims and Territoriality in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Sylvia Feghali

Sylvia Feghali

MA 2023 • Feminist Political Geographies of the Levant • Material Culture • Imperialism and Resistance
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: A. Marie Ranjbar
Kaitlin Fertaly

Kaitlin Fertaly

Human Geography
Area of Interest: Post-socialism; food; gender; Armenia; environmentalism Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Fluri Recent courses taught Spring 2017 GEOG 4742 (3) Environments & Peoples - Food Thesis
Caleb Fogel

Caleb Fogel

MA Student of Geography • Interactions between physical and ecological processes • The role of wood within river corridors
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Katherine Lininger
Shae Frydenlund

Shae Frydenlund

PhD Univerversity of Colorado Boulder, 2020 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2015 • dispossession and precarity • gendered divisions of labor • urban development • housing and gentrification • transnational migration • digital feminisms
Human Geography
Areas of interest: political ecology, nature-society in Tibet/Nepal Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Thesis 2015 - Labor stories from Solukhumbu: case studies of Khaling indigenous discourse and situational Sherpa identity Dissertation 2020 - Support from the South: How Refugee Labor Reproduces Cities

er rang (Kabzung) Ga

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Pastoral development Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Thesis 2012 - Alternative Development on the Tibetan Plateau: The Case of the Slaughter Renunciation Movement
Drolma Gadou

Drolma Gadou

PhD Student of Geography • Tibet • Women • Development • MA from 91制片厂国产AV, 2024
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh

Kristin Gangwer

M.A. 2011
Areas of interest: Western Land Use; Ranchland Dynamics; Drought Faculty Advisor: William Travis Thesis 2011 - Dryness and Desperate Measures: The Implications of Land Tenure on Rocky Mountain Ranchers' Drought Experiences and Behaviors
Meredith Gartner

Meredith Gartner

Ph.D. 2015
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Fire/Beetle Interaction Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2015 - The occurrence, severity and interaction of mountain pine beetle and wildfire in the Colorado Front Range
Mehran Ghandehari

Mehran Ghandehari

Area of Interest: GIScience Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis
Lauren Gifford

Lauren Gifford

Ph.D. 2018
Human Geography
Areas of Interest: Global climate policy, justice, land use, Latin America Faculty Advisor: William R. Travis Thesis 2018 - See the Carbon through the Trees: Market-Based Climate Change Mitigation, Forest Carbon Offsets, and the Power of Carbon Accounting
Sierra Gladfelter

Sierra Gladfelter

M.A. 2017 • Conservation and development
Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh
Mike Gleason Portrait

Mike Gleason

M.A. 2012
Areas of interest: Geographic Information Science Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2012 - Modeling Pixel Level Error in Fine-Resolution Digital Elevation Models: A Regression-Based Approach
Molly Graber photo portrait

Molly Graber

M.A., 2019 • Interests: spatial statistics, Geographic Information Science
Faculty advisor: Seth Spielman Title: Street-Based Demographics: Why Block-Level Aggregations Fail to Capture Urban Demographic Patterns
Glenn Grant

Glenn Grant

Ph.D. 2017 • M.A. 2012 • Remote sensing, Polar climate
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Polar climate change Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze Thesis 2012 - An analysis of Greenland ice sheet albedo variability using 25 years of AVHRR polar pathfinder data
Shane Grisby

Shane Grigsby

Ph.D. Geography 2019 • Ice sheets & glaciers, climate change, remote sensing, machine learning
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati Dissertation Title:
Molly Guiney

Molly Guiney

MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • Fluvial Geomorphology
Physical Geography
Fluvial Geomorphology Advisor - Katherine Lininger Thesis Title:
Phurwa Gurung

Phurwa Gurung

PhD Student of Geography • Political Ecology • Development • Indigenous Geographies • Nepal and the Himalayas • MA University of Colorado, 2020
Thesis title: "Mountains are Commons, Grasses are Divided": Indigenous Environmental Governance Between Conservation and Democracy Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Recent Publications: Gurung, Phurwa (2022) Governing caterpillar fungus: Participatory conservation as state-making, territorialization, and dispossession in Dolpo, Nepal. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. https://doi.org/10.1177/25148486221132236 Gurung, Phurwa and Bauer, Ken (2022) Infrastructures of Change: Development among Pastoralists in Dolpo (1990鈥2020). In The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Highland Asia , eds...
Katya Hafich Portrait

Katya Hafich

M.A. 2014
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: alpine hydrology, climate change, snowmelt timing Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2014 - Of Microbes and Men: Determining Sources of Nitrate in a High Alpine Catchment in the Front Range of Colorado and Science Outreach on Alpine Hydrology
Kate Hale

Katherine (Kate) Hale

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2022 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2018 • Snow hydrology • Arctic and Mountain Environments • Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch
Physical Geography
Introduction I graduated with my PhD Spring 2022. I am interested in both academia and non-academia. My research focus is snow hydrology, using empirical datasets, modeling and GIS skills to evaluate runoff sensitivities to the timing of rain, snow and snowmelt. I am interested in continuing in academia (post-doc or faculty position) but also working in a federal lab (NOAA, NASA, USGS).

Jeff Hamerlinck

Ph.D. 2011
Areas of interest: geographic information science, decision support systems, resource planning and management Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2011 - Planning Support System Implementation in Rural Local Government
Melissa Harkavy

Melissa Harkavy

Area of Interest: Climate change adaptation; natural resources; utilization; gender Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Thesis
Sarah Hart Portrait

Sarah Hart

Ph.D. 2014
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Biogeography, Dendrochronology Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2014 - Climate variability and the susceptibility of Engelmann spruce to spruce beetle outbreak in northwestern Colorado Research Interests My research interests are broadly focused on the impacts of past and future climate variability on environmental systems. I am currently researching relationships between climate and bark beetle disturbance in subalpine forests. Selected Publications Hart, S.J. . (2011). A Review of...
Natasha Harvey

Natasha Harvey

MA 2022 • Hydrology • Ecohydrology and the interaction between vegetation and water processes
Physical Geography
Advisor: Peter Blanken Title:
Meghan Helmberger photo portrait

Meghan Helmberger

PhD 2024 • Arctic Climate • GIS • Climate/Human Connection
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze
Thomas Herrmann

Thomas Herrmann

MA 2023 • How climate change impacts polar regions • Impact of ice melt on humans
Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati
Abby Hickcox Portrait

Abby Hickcox

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Cultural Geography, Political Ecology, Environmental Justice, Race Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Thesis 2012 - Open Space? Environmentalism and the Politics of Belonging in Boulder, Colorado Research Interests Ph.D. Dissertation title: Open Space? Environmentalism and the Politics of Belonging in Boulder, Colorado My dissertation uses an environmental justice framework to investigate how environmental discourses intersect with racial discourses in Boulder, Colorado by examining the politics of belonging constructed...
Alice Hill

Alice Hill

PhD 2017 • Snow and ice; water resources and repurcussions in a changing climate
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2017 - Clarifying Hydrologic Controls of Remote Mountain Water Resources Across Varying Scales Through Development of a Rapid Hydrologic Assessment Methodology
Abdulsalam Hindawi

Abdulsalam Hindawi

M.A. 2017 • Population, migration, conflict resolution, Syrian refugee crisis
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Fluri
Emma Hines photo portrait

Emma Hines

M.A. 2019 • Interests: climate and health
Faculty advisor: Colleen Reid Title: Hospital Experiences with Hurricane Harvey in Harris County, Texas
Noah Hoffman photo portrait

Noah Hoffman

M.A., 2019 • Interests: soil chemistry
Physical Geography
Faculty advisor: Suzanne Anderson Title: Lithogenic Mixing Model Approach Identifies Saprolite as the Source of Inorganic Colloids in a Granitoid Catchment
Edward Holland Portrait

Edward (Ted) Holland

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Political Geography; Nationalism; Former Soviet Union Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin Thesis 2012 - Buddhism in Post-Soviet Russia: The Geographic Contexts of 'Revival' Research Interests My research interests are wide-ranging, but generally situated in the post-Soviet space.脗 My dissertation project is on Buddhism in Russia. Religion, like nationalism, has been primarily considered through the lens of elites, either religious or political (or both). As such, social scientists know...

Molly Holmberg

Ph.D. 2010
Physical Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: cartography; landscape ecology; geographic education/imagination Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Foote Thesis 2010 - Mapping climate change: Six U.S. case studies

C. Andr脙漏s Holz

Ph.D. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Forest dynamics; ecology and disturbance; biogeography, southern Andes. Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2009 - Climatic and Human Influences on Fire Regimes and Forest Dynamics in Temperate Rain Forests in Southern Chile
Jung Eun Hong Portrait

Jung Eun (Jessie) Hong

Ph.D. 2012
Areas of interest: Visualization; GIS Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Foote Thesis 2012 - Web-Based GIS for Middle School Teachers: Using Online Mapping Applications to Promote Teacher Adoption More Info 4/2/12 - Jessie has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Geosciences at the University of West Georgia.
Jamie Humphrey Portrait

Jamie Humphrey

Ph.D. 2015
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Neighborhoods & Health; Contextual effects on child & adolescent health; Longitudinal health effects Faculty Advisor: Elisabeth Root Thesis 2015 - Neighborhood Effects on Behavioral and Educational Trajectories of U.S. Children and Adolescents Selected Publications E.D. Root and J.L. Humphrey. (2014). The impact of childhood mobility on exposure to neighborhood socioeconomic context over time. American Journal of Public Health 104(1). F. Riosmena, J.L. Humphrey, E.D. Root, E. Steiner,...
Allison Hurley Portrait

Allison Hurley

M.A. 2014
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Cyrosphere science; soils; spatial analysis Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze Thesis 2014 - Comparison and Validation of Arctic Precipitation Fields from three Atmospheric Reanalyses: CFSR, MERRA, ERA-INTERIM
Shruthi Jagadeesh

Shruthi Jagadeesh

PhD Student of Geography • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2020 • Political Ecology • Development • Indigenous Communities • Conservation
Thesis title: Waiting to Stay: In-Situ Displacement and Soliga Youth in Tiger Reserves in South India Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman
Keith Jennings

Keith Jennings

Ph.D. 2018
Physical Geography
Area of Interest: Snow and floods in mountain environments Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2018 -
Warren Jochem Portrait

Warren (Chris) Jochem

M.A. 2012 • Ph.D. 2016
Human Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: GIS; disease ecology & spatial epidemiology Faculty Advisor: Elisabeth Root Thesis 2012 - Child Mortality from Lower Respiratory Infections and the Effect of Arsenic-contaminated Drinking Water in Rural Bangladesh 2016 - Social and spatio-temporal patterns of arsenic exposure and the impacts on respiratory health in rural Bangladesh
Taylor Johaneman

Taylor Johaneman

PhD student of Geography • MA 2022, CU Boulder • Fluvial geomorphology • B.S. from University of Denver
Physical Geography
Area of interest: Fluvial geomorphology Faculty Advisor: Katherine Lininger MA Thesis: "The Influence of Knickpoint Development on Fluvial Ecogeomorphic Interactions"

Bryan Jones

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Human Migration, Rural Development, Health Faculty Advisor: Fernando Riosmena Thesis 2012 - A Model for Producing Large-Scale Spatially Explicit Future Population Scenarios
Amanda Kass Portrait

Amanda Kass

M.A. 2011
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Conflict; Political Ecology; Politics of Development Faculty Advisor: Joe Bryan Thesis 2011 - Rebuilding Haiti? Discourses of Development and Security in Post-Earthquake Haiti
Julia Kelly

Julia Kelly

Ph.D. 2017 • Biogeography, Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology, Avian Diversity • M.A. 2011
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Island Biogeography, Ecosystem Ecology, Invasive Species, Birds Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Research Interests My research interests lie in the field of Biogeography including forest ecology, conservation biology, and island biogeography. I enjoy studying a wide variety of topics concerning species distributions. As an undergraduate at UCLA, I studied an endangered Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus anthonyi) found on Santa Cruz Island, California. I hiked the island's rugged terrain...
Patrick Kelly Portrait

Patrick Kelly

M.A. 2012
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Geomorphology; hydrology Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Anderson Thesis 2012 - Subsurface Evolution: Characterizing the physical and geochemical changes in weathered bedrock of Lower Gordon Gulch, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Travis Klingberg Portrait

Travis Klingberg

Ph.D. 2014
Human Geography
Areas of interest: cultural geography, China, critical tourism studies Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2014 - Exploring place: how independent tourism is changing the politics of geographic knowledge in China
John Knowles Portrait

John Knowles

Ph.D. 2015 • M.A. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Snow hydrology; Carbon budget, Niwot LTER Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken Thesis 2009 - Meteorological Controls on the Seasonal Exchange of Water and Carbon Dioxide from High-Elevation Alpine Tundra at Niwot Ridge, Colorado 2015 - Spacio-temporal patterns of soil respiration and the age of respired carbon from high-elevataion alpine tundra. Research Interests My principal research aims to constrain the water and carbon cycle of alpine tundra at Niwot...
Natalie Koch Portrait

Natalie Koch

Ph.D. 2012 • M.A. 2009
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Political Geography; Geopolitics; Eastern Europe; Central Asia Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin Thesis 2009 - Nation-Building, Geopolitics, and the Andijon Uprising: Securitizing Discourses in Uzbekistan 2012 - The City and the Steppe: Territory, Technologies of Government, and Kazakhstan's New Capital Research Interests My dissertation is entitled "The city and the steppe: Territory, technologies of government, and Kazakhstan's new capital." Through a mixed-methods, critical regional studies approach, it explores...
Nathan Korinek

Nathan Korinek

MA 2024 • GIScience • Open science • Big data • Remote sensing • B.S. from 91制片厂国产AV
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Balch

David Korn

M.A. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Climate change; glaciology in mountain regions Faculty Advisor: Roger Barry Thesis 2010 - Glacier and Climate Fluctuations in South-Central Alaska as Observed through the PTAA Model
Adrianne Kroepsch Portrait

Adrianne Kroepsch

M.A. 2011
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Alpine Environments; Hydrology Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2011 - Environmental Conflict at the Energy-Water Nexus
Sara Krumminga

Sara Krumminga

M.A. Student of Geography • Political geography, the Holocaust & WWII, nationalism
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Najeeb Jan

Tony LaGreca

M.A. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Water Faculty Advisor: John Pitlick Thesis 2010 - Fine Grain Sediment Transport over a Course Grain Gravel Bed
Ahn Lee Portrait

Ahn (Ahnnie) Lee

M.A. 2014
Areas of interest: land-use change, migration Faculty Advisor: Fernando Riosmena Thesis 2014 - Reconceptualizing Environmental Migration: Empirical Findings from Downscaled Estimates of Drought in Rural Mexico
Jed Lenetsky

Jed Lenetsky

MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • Arctic sea ice dynamics and modelling • Arctic climate change
Physical Geography
Arctic sea ice dynamics and modelling, Arctic climate change Advisor - Mark Serreze Thesis title:
Adam Levy Portrait

Adam Levy

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Globalization; Social change; Migration Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin Thesis 2012 - Territory and Sovereignty in a Borderland: The Case of Moldova
Nick Lewis

Nicholas (Nick) Lewis

M.A. 2018
Areas of Interest: Remote Sensing, Arctic Environment Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze Thesis 2018 - Emerging Use of Single-Channel Short Wave Infrared Imaging for Sea Ice Detection
Gina Li photo portrait

Gina Li

M.A., 2019 • Climatology, big data, programming
Faculty Advisor: Colleen Reid Title: Modeling the Association Between Daily Heat and Mortality in Virginia Climate Divisions
Andrew Linke Portrait

Andrew Linke

Ph.D. 2013
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Political Geography; Political Violence Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin Thesis 2013 - Post-Election Violence in Kenya: Place-Based Explanations of Conflict
Michele Lissoni

Michele Lissoni

PhD 2024 • Remote Sensing • Conflict and Climate Change • MA from the State University of Milan
Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin
Gene Longenecker

H.E. (Gene) Longenecker

Ph.D. 2019 • Climatology; Climate Change; Hazard/Risk Vulnerability • M.A. 2009
Physical Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Climatology; Climate change, hazard/risk vulnerability Faculty Advisor: William Travis MA Thesis Title (2009) - An Evaluation of the Hazus-MH Coastal Flood Model PhD Dissertation Title (2019) - Evaluating the Effects of Induced Development on Flood Hazards and Losses in U.S. Communities with Levees
Eric Lovell

Eric Lovell

Ph.D. 2018
Areas of Interest: Political Ecology; (Non)Human Mobilities; GIScience; Critical Conservation Studies Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Recent courses taught - Spring 2017 GEOG 3053 (4) Cartographic Design Thesis 2018 - Range of Lines: Exploring the Mobilities, Maps and Technologies that Shape Tanzania鈥檚 Northern Rangelands
Isaiah Lyons-Galante

Isaiah Lyons-Galante

MA 2024 • Remote Sensing • GIS • Spatial Science for Rural Development • B.S. Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Yale 2014
Faculty Advisor: Morteza Karimzadeh
Mike MacFerrin

Michael (Mike) MacFerrin

Ph.D. 2018
Physical Geography
Areas of Interest: Cryosphere-sea, earth, ice interactions; remote sensing; GIS Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati Thesis 2018 - Rapid Expansion of Greenland鈥檚 Low-Permeability Ice Slabs in a Warming Climate
Galen Maclaurin Portrait

Galen Maclaurin

Ph.D. 2015 • M.A. 2011
Areas of interest: Interactive cartography; Animated visualizations Faculty Advisor: Stefan Leyk Thesis 2011 - Mapping perceptions of safety and danger in Medellin, Columbia: A study in the perceptual geography of urban crime 2015 - Reverse engineering the National Land Cover Database: a machine learning algorithm for extending land cover data in the spatial and temporal domains. Research Interests My research interests are in modeling Spatial and temporal processes by intersecting...
Adam Mahood

Adam Mahood

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2017 • Plant ecology • remote sensing • Faculty Advisor:听Jennifer听Balch
Physical Geography
Introduction My career objectives are in both academia and non-academia. My PhD in geography relates to studying fire ecology and plant community ecology. Advisor: Jennifer Balch Dissertation Title:

Kerry Malm

M.A. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Disturbance regimes Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2009 - Temperature Influences on Phenology and Population Growth of Mountain Pine Beetle Populations in Northern Colorado
Julie Malmberg Portrait

Julie Malmberg

Ph.D. 2014
Physical Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Human Biometeorology Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken Thesis 2014 - Social, Demographic and Environmental Influences on Perceptions and Memories of Weather, Climate and Climate Change
Aaron Malone

Aaron Malone

Ph.D., 2019 • Migration; development; Latin America
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Fernando Riosmena Title: Collective Remittances as Mobile Policy: Institutionalization of Mexico鈥檚 3 x 1 Program and the evolution of diaspora development
Daniela Marini

Daniela Marini

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV 2020 • Political Agroecology: Social Movements and Food Sovereignty in Argentina
Human Geography
Dissertation title: Nature, Race and Nation in Argentina's GM Soy toxic landscape Faculty Advisor: Joe Bryan

Nathanael (Nate) Martin

M.A. 2012
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Remote sensing, glacial dynamics and velocities Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati Thesis 2012 - Investigation of Multi-Decadal Outlet Glacier Surface Ice Velocities in Greenland
Kevin Mason

Kevin Mason

PhD 2023 • Population • Immigration • Development • Latin America • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2017
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Fernando Riosmena
Adam McCurdy Portrait

Adam McCurdy

M.A. 2016
Areas of interest: Climate change adaptation Faculty Advisor: William Travis Thesis 2016 - Simulated climate adaptation in stormwater conveyance structures.
Daniel McGrath Portrait

Daniel McGrath

Ph.D. 2013 • M.A. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Glaciology; ice sheet hydrology; ice shelf stability Faculty Advisor: Konrad Steffen Thesis 2009 - Sediment Plumes in Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland as a proxy for runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet 2013 - Basal crevasses and suture zones in the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Implications for ice shelf stability in a warming climate Research Interests My current research focuses on assessing the stability of the Larsen C...
Caitlin McShane

Caitlin McShane

PhD Student of Geography • Predictive Modeling • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2020
Thesis title: Big Spatial Data & Land Use Progression in the United States 1945-2016. Introduction I am a PhD student with a focus in GIS/Spatial data analysis, predictive modelling, and urban vulnerability. I expect to graduate in 2024. I am interested in both academia and non-academia. My masters was spent using large spatial data to create analytical layers in the form of gridded data products and take the first analytical...
Siddharth Menon photo portrait

Siddharth Menon

M.A. 2018
Human Geography
Areas of Interest: South Asia, Indigenous knowledge of building, Architecture Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Thesis 2018 -
Leah Meromy Portrait

Leah Meromy

M.A. 2012
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Climate change; impacts on snowpack and glaciers Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2012 - Subalpine Snowpack-Climate Manipulation and Modeling Experiment at Niwot Ridge, CO and Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
Joe Mills

Taylor (Joe) Mills

Ph.D. 2016 • Small-scale hydrologic systems; water chemistry
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Anderson
Denise Mondragon

Denise Mondragon

MA 2024 • Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry of the Cryosphere • Snow & Ice • B.S. University of California, Irvine, 2022
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Melisa Diaz
Sara Crepinsek Morris

Sara Morris

M.A. 2018
Physical Geography
Areas of Interest: Climatology; Arctic Meteorology Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze Thesis 2018 - Variability of Ground Heat Flux at the Tiksi Station
Martha Morrissey

Martha Morrissey

MA, 2018 • GIS, Spatial Data Science
Faculty Advisor: Carson Farmer Thesis MA 2018 - Modeling Cycling Counts using Crowd-sourced Data
Sitthisak Moukomla Portrait

Sitthisak Moukomla

Ph.D. 2015
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Remote sensing; Ocean-land-atmosphere interaction Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken Thesis 2015 - The estimation of the surface energy balance of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes using satellite remote sensing and Merra reanalysis
Mahsa Moussavi Portrait

Mahsa Moussavi

Ph.D. 2015
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Remote sensing; earth ice cover Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati Thesis 2015 - Quantifying supraglacial lake volumes on the Greenland ice sheet from spaceborne optical sensors
Erich Mueller Portrait

Erich Mueller

Ph.D. 2012
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Fluvial geomorphology Faculty Advisor: John Pitlick Thesis 2012 - Landscape Controls on Sediment Supply and Stream Channel Morpho-Dynamics in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Galen Murton

Galen Murton

Ph.D. Geography, 2017 • Development; Political Geography; Cultural Geography; Tibet and Himalaya Region
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Alumnus, 2017 Courses taught Fall 2016 GEOG 2053 (4) Mapping a Changing World

Atsuhiro Muto

Ph.D. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Glaciology; Climate Change; Antarctica Faculty Advisor: Konrad Steffen Thesis 2010 - Multi-Decadal Surface Temperature Trends in East Antarctica Inferred from Borehold Firn Temperature Measurements and Geophysical Inverse Methods
Cameron Naficy

Cameron Naficy

Ph.D. 2017 • Disturbance ecology; tree ecophysiology; climate variability; restoration; remote sensing
Physical Geography • Environment-Society
Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Research Interests My research interests are in disturbance ecology, climate variability, forest mortality processes, tree ecophysiology, ecological restoration, and biogeography of temperate forests and montane grasslands. I employ dendrochronology, spatial analysis involving remote sensing and GIS, and physiological evaluation of tree water relations, gas exchange and internal carbon dynamics to address questions related to: 1) the role that natural and human disturbances play in shaping long-term...
Somayeh Nikoonazari

Somayeh Nikoonazari

MA 2023 • Political Geography • Development Geography
Human Geography
I am interested in Development Geography and especially fascinated with education for minority women in the Middle East and developing countries. Faculty Advisor: A. Marie Ranjbar

Yonten Nyima

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Development studies in Tibet Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Thesis 2012 - From 'Retire Livestock, Restore Rangeland' to the Compensation for Ecological Services: State Interventions into Rangeland Ecosystems and Pastoralism in Tibet
Taylor O'Brien

Taylor O'Brien

MA 2024 • Arctic Climate • Snow & Ice • Extreme Weather • B.S. from University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze
Mary Oppold Portrait

Mary Oppold (Huisenga)

M.A. 2012
Areas of interest: Env-society relations; landscape changes and social implications to water quality/supply Faculty Advisor: William Travis Thesis 2012 - Exceedance of Colorado Stream Temperature Standards: The Effects of Effluent and a Warming Climate
Luca Anna Palasti

Luca Anna Palasti

PhD Student of Geography • MA 2021 • Human-Environment Interactions • Environmenal Economics • Decision Making • Risk Management
Area of interest: Human-environmental interactions, Environmental economics, Decision making, Risk management Faculty Advisor: William Travis MA Thesis: "Assessing the viability of forecast-informed decision-making: the value of information provided by Grass-Cast"
Joni Palmer Portrait

Joni Palmer

Ph.D. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Public art, creative economies, post industrial city, post war suburbs, visual representation Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2012 - The Politics of "the Public": Public Art, Urban Regeneration and the Postindustrial City - the Case of Downtown Denver
Jordan Parman Portrait

Jordan Parman

M.A. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Hydrology; Water Resources Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2010 - Climatological and Elevational Controls on Organic and Inorganic Nutrients in Stream Waters, Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado Front Range

Mark Parsons

M.A. 2010
Areas of interest: Data Visualization Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2010 - Data for Modelers - Helping Understand the Climate System

Juan Partisis

Ph.D. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: forest ecology; insect outbreaks; Andean forests Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2009 - Insect Defoliator Outbreaks and Environmental Heterogeneity in Nothofagus Forests in the Patagonian Andes
Danielle Perrot Portrait

Danielle Perrot

M.A. 2012
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Alpine processes; snow hydrology; remote sensing; modeling Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2012 - Nitrate Export Response to Spatially Distributed Snowmelt in Alpine Catchments
Pakorn Petchprayoon Portrait

Pakorn Petchprayoon

Ph.D. 2015
Physical Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Remote Sensing & Surface Energy Balance Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken Thesis 2015 - Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on the Surface Energy Balance of Lake Huron. (Estimation of Surface Energy Balance Components: Remote Sensing Approach for Water - Atmosphere Parameterizations)
Jennifer Petrzelka

Jennifer Petrzelka

M.A. 2011
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: hydrology; geomorphology Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2011 - The Effects of a Climate Manipulation Experiment on Snow Properties, Snow Surface Energy Balance, and Soil Temperature and Moisture Along an Elevation Gradient on NIwot Ridge, Colorado

Thomas Phillips

Ph.D. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Climatology; Climate Change; Cryosphere Faculty Advisor: Konrad Steffen Thesis 2010 - The impact of advancing surface melt on the ice temperature of the Sermeq Avannarleq Glacier - a model approach
Sarah Posner photo portrait

Sarah Posner

PhD Student of Geography • Human Geography • Spatial Statistics • M.A. 91制片厂国产AV, 2019
Human Geography
Thesis title: Climate Change, Food Security and Health of Rural Populations in Isiolo, Kenya. Faculty advisor: John O'Loughlin Publications Jacka J., Posner S. (2022). How the Enga Cope with Frost in the 21st Century: Food Insecurity, Migration, and Development in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Human Ecology. 50:273鈥286.
Briana Prado

Briana Prado

MA 2023 • Antarctic • Geo-chemistry • B.S. from UC Santa Cruz
Physical Geography

Nancy Hoalst Pullen

Ph.D. 2008
Physical Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: Plant-soil-water relationships; tropical forests; multi-scale modeling; GIS; camping Faculty Advisor: Susan Beatty Thesis 2008 - Soil properties and hydrologic processes in tropical forest dynamics plots of Panama, Ecuador and Malaysia

Adina Racoviteanu

Ph.D. 2011
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Mountain geography; GIS modeling for glaciology; geoarchaeology, sacred mountains and rituals Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2011 - Himalayan Glaciers and "voodoo science": Combining remote sensing, field techniques and indigenous knowledge to understand spatio-temporal patterns of glacier changes and their impact on water resources
James (Huck) Rees

James (Huck) Rees

MA 2023 • Watershed science • Fluvial geomorphology • Critical zone science • Floodplain restoration
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Katherine Lininger
Eric Reiff

Eric Reiff

Ph.D. 2016 • Urban backyard farming as a subversive performance, Social Construction of Nature, STS, Pol Ecology
Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Research Interests Generally my research is concerned with the power relations and processes through which pure or "natural" categories are constructed, bounded, concretized and then violated through intentionally subversive acts. My current research focuses on the Denver metropolitan area in which nearly every community is reimagining traditional understandings of the urban backyard and through it the categories of nature-society and rural-urban. This research is ultimately interested...
Yuying Ren

Yuying Ren

PhD student of Geography • Areas of Interest: GIS, Remote Sensing • MA University of Colorado Geography - 2021
Areas of Interest: GIS, Remote Sensing Faculty Advisor: Stefan Leyk MA Thesis title: "Refining the Wildland-Urban Interface: Implications for Risk Exposure of the Built Environment for Colorado over 25 Years"
Emma Rieves

Emma Rieves

PhD Student in Geography • Public health • Environmental and equity modeling and analyses of climate policies • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2022
Advisor: Colleen Reid MA Thesis: "Percieved Greenspace Exposure is Influenced by Objective Greenspace Exposure and Identity, Attitudes and Privilege"

Susan Riggins

Ph.D. 2010
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Terrestrial Weathering Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Anderson Thesis 2010 - The production and evolution of mobile regolith: Modeled soil production and measured chemical weathering
Tyler Roberts

Tyler Roberts

PhD 2014, CU Geography • MA Arizona State University, 2006
Physical Geography
Dissertation title: Panel Data Analysis in the Demographic and Spatial Econometric Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Sources 1960-2010 Faculty Advisor: Ken Foote
Joshua Rodd

Joshua Rodd

Ph.D. 2016 • Political violence and conflict; infectious disease
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Elisabeth Root
Kyle Rodman

Kyle Rodman

Ph.D., 2019 • Biogeography, climate spatial analysis; forest ecology
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Title: Forest Cover Change and Post-Fire Response in the Southern Rocky Mountains
Patrick Rody Photo Portrait

Patrick Rody

MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2019 • Interests: Migration, climate change
Human Geography
Faculty advisor: Fernando Riosmena Thesis title: The Influence of Relative Sea Levels and Demographic Factors on Human Out-Migration from Populous Coastal Counties in the United States
Monica Rother Portrait

Monica Rother

Ph.D. 2015
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Biogeography; wildfire; climate; dendrochronology Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2015 - Conifer regeneration after wildfire in low-elevation forests of the Colorado Front Range: Implications of a warmer, drier climate Research Interests I am a forest ecologist with expertise in biogeography, disturbance ecology, global change ecology, and fire history. As a member of the Biogeography Lab, directed by Thomas T. Veblen, my dissertation work addresses spatial and temporal...
Ian Rowen Portrait

Ian Rowen

Ph.D. 2016 • M.A. 2012
Human Geography
Areas of interest: China, Taiwan, cultural politics, geopolitics, social media, tourism Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2012 - Chinese Tourists in Taiwan: Tourism and State Territoriality 2016 - The Geopolitics of Tourism: mobilities, territory and protest in Taiwan and China. Research Interests My research has largely focused on the cultural and political geography of travel and tourism between the People芒鈧劉s Republic of China and Taiwan. Treating tourism as a political...
Ashley Rumble Portrait

Ashley Rumble

M.A. 2014
Human Geography
Areas of interest: power and control; human rights; social justice; institutionalized violence Faculty Advisor: Najeeb Jan Thesis 2014 - Law, Space, and Gendered Vulnerability: A Critique of VAWA's Jurisdictional Fix in Indian Country
Caitlin Ryan

Caitlin Ryan

Ph.D., 2019 • Post-conflict urban development, humanitarian aid, post-socialism
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Fluri Title: Urban Transformation, Conflict and Everyday Life in Osh, Kyrgyzstan: From Socialist Legacy to Territorializations of History and Memory

Kevin Sampson

M.A. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Climatology Faculty Advisor: Konrad Steffen Thesis 2009 - Shallow Firn Layer Climatology Derived from Greenland Climate Network Automatic Weather Station Data
Jeffrey Schmidt

Jeffrey Schmidt

MA- 2022 • Snowpack cold content • Snowpack behavior • Cryosphere and Hydrologic Science
Physical Geography
Advisor - Mark Serreze Title: An Analysis of Snowpack Temperature, Density, and Cold Content across the Western United States
Dominik Schneider

Dominik Schneider

Ph.D. 2017 • Mountain and snow hydrology, interaction between vegetation and snowmelt runoff, water resources
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch
Victoria Scholl photo portrait

Victoria Scholl

PhD Student of Geography • Remote Sensing • Data Science • Land cover/use change • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2019
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Balch
Amelia Schubert-Zhang Portrait

Amelia (Amy) Schubert-Zhang

Ph.D. 2016 • M.A. 2011
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Cultural geography of northeast Asia; China, Korea, migration Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2011 - Contesting Koreanness: Migration as a challenge to the ethnic identity of the Korean Chinese 2016 - Impacts of Female Out-migration on ethnic Korean communities in China Research Interests I research how the process of migration affects ethnic identity, especially within the Korean minority in China. My master's thesis discusses the experiences of...

Jessica Schwarz

M.A. 2009
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Eco-tourism; Human-wildlife conflict; Conservation management in Kenya Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Thesis 2009 - Travelling off the Beaten Path? A Look at the Burgeoning Community-Based Ecotourism Industry in Tanzania
Brittany Selander

Brittany Selander

Ph.D. - 2022 • Fluvial geomorphology
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Suzanne P. Anderson Title: Bedrock Hillslopes in the Colorado Front Range and Their Relationship to Channel Incision
Richa Shakya photo portrait

Richa Shakya

MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2019 • Interests: gender, migration
Human Geography
Faculty advisor: Jennifer Fluri Thesis Title : Can A Daughter-In-Law Become a Daughter?: Narratives of Daughter-In-Law's Gendered Identity, Home, Marriage and Migration

Kevin Sharp

M.A. 2009
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Meteorology; Climatology Faculty Advisor: William Travis Thesis 2009 - The Influence of Landfall Variation on Tropical Cyclone Losses in the United States as Simulated by Hazus
Connor Sheehan Portrait

Connor Sheehan

M.A. 2011
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Migration; Informal Economics; Development Faculty Advisor: Fernando Riosmena Thesis 2011 - Migration and Informal versus Formal Business Creation in Mexico Research Interests My Master芒鈧劉s thesis explores the often endogenous relationship between migration and informality in Mexico. More specifically, I am studying whether migrant households are more likely to start informal businesses compared to non-migrant households. Additionally, I am interested in how economic and social community level factors...
Rupak Shrestha

Rupak Shrestha

Ph.D. - 2022 • Development Geography • Political Geography • Nepal • Faculty Advisor:听Jennifer Fluri
Human Geography
Advisor: Jennifer Fluri Dissertation Title: The Border Came Between Us: Securing Development, Surveillance and Securitization, and Refugee Memory and Placemaking in Nepal Introduction I am a Human Geographer interested in questions of sovereignty, territory, power/violence, nationalism, (im)mobilites, and placemaking. My dissertation research examines how Chinese extra-territorial sovereignty viz-a-viz development and military aid in Nepal produces new modes of Tibetan refugee subjectivities. Despite attempts by Nepal and China to restrict Tibetan...

Claire Simon

Ph.D. 2011
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Development, Africa; Microfinance Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2011 - Disjunctures and Contradictions: the Role of Measurement in Poverty Representation, Policy, and Development Practice

Nick Sitko

Ph.D. 2010
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Global Agriculture Systems; Poverty Alleviation Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Dunn Thesis 2010 - The fractured politics of food security: maize, power, and hunger on a Zambian frontier
Lindsay Skog Portrait

Lindsay Skog

Ph.D. 2015
Areas of interest: Environmental conservation, critical development, indigenous politics, and difference Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Thesis 2015 - The Beyul Campaign: Spatial articulations of territory and religion in Khumbu, Nepal
Jeremy Smith Portrait

Jeremy Smith

Ph.D. 2012
Physical Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: Forest Ecology, Biogeography, GIS Faculty Advisor: Tom Veblen Thesis 2012 - An Examination of Background Tree Mortality and Mountain Pine Beetle Disturbance in Subalpine Forests of the Front Range of Colorado, USA
Sam Smith

Samuel (Sam) Smith

PhD Geography, 2018 • Historic/Urban Geog-links between historic mining settlements & current tourist areas
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Foote Recent courses taught Spring 2016 GEOG 1982 (3) World Regional Geography
Tasha Snow

Tasha Snow

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV, 2020 • Cryosphere remote sensing; glaciology
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Waleed Abdalati Dissertation Title:
Kylen Solvik

Kylen Solvik

PhD Student of Geography • Machine Learning • Remote Sensing • Human-Environment Interaction • Computer Vision • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2020
PhD Faculty Advisor: Yaffa Truelove Thesis title: Topic Modeling to Track Wildfire Information Flows Between the Public and Officials Using Twitter and Emergency Management Records. MA Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Balch
Andrew Stauffer Portrait

Andrew (Andy) Stauffer

M.A. 2013
Areas of interest: cartograhic generalization; GIS Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2013 - Matching Attribute Resolution to Scale: The Effects of Filtering on DEM Resolution
Michelle Stewart Portrait

Michelle Stewart

Ph.D. 2013
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Environmental Conservation and Economic Development in China; Sustainable Management Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Thesis 2013 - The Rise and Governance of 'Himalayan Gold': Transformations in the Caterpillar Fungus Commons of Tibetan Yunnan, China Research Interests Contemporary Tibetan livelihoods across the Tibetan Plateau depend extensively on profits earned through Ophiocordyceps sinensis harvesting. O. sinensis is a rare fungus endemic to the Tibetan Plateau that is highly valued in...
Gabriella Subia Smith

Gabriella Subia Smith

PhD Student of Geography • Congressional Redistricting in Colorado • Legal Geography • Critical Cartography • Decolonizing Geography • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2018
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Joe Bryan MA Thesis 2018 - Beyond Property: Formalization of Rural Property in Colombia and the Cartographic State
Meagan Todd

Meagan Todd

Ph.D. Geography, 2017 • Political & cultural geography in post-Soviet space
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin
Joe Tuccillo

Joseph Tuccillo

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2020 • MA 91制片厂国产AV, 2015 • Urban Geography, Spatial Demography, Hazards/Vulnerability, Geocomputation
Human Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: land-use change; spatial demography; sustainable urbanism; GIScience Faculty Advisor: Seth Spielman Thesis: 2015 - Geodemographic Analysis of Community Vulnerability and Hurricane Sandy. Dissertation: 2020 - Individual-Oriented Assessment of Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards.
Kathryn Tyler

Kathryn Tyler

MA -2022 • previous degree from Mount Holyoke College • geovisualization • urban planning • environmental justice • Advisor: Babs听Buttenfield
Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Title: Bus Network Analysis: Vulnerability and Suitability Modelling in Four Western U.S. Cities Introduction I'm a master's student concentrating in GIS, graduating Spring 2022. I am interested in non-academia. My research focuses on assessing the equity of bus networks in US cities and modeling adjustments to the bus networks so they can better serve the population. My career goals include working with GIS and/or in urban/regional planning.
Sarah Tynen

Sarah Tynen

Ph.D., 2019 • Urbanization and Poitical Governance • MA 2014
Human Geography
Areas of interest: State-society relations, development, migration and ethno-cultural nationalism in China's autonomous regions and borderlands Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin MA Thesis Title (2014) - Uneven Housing Development and the Spatial Negotiation of Class in Nanjing, China PhD Dissertation Title (2019) - Uneven State Territorialization: Governance, Inequality and Survivance in Xinjiang, China
Johannes Uhl

Johannes Uhl

Ph.D., 2019 • GIS, spatio-temporal modelling, machine learning
Faculty Advisor: Stefan Leyk Title: Spatio-Temporal Information Extraction Under Uncertainty Using Multi-Source Data Integration and Machine Learning: Applications to Human Settlement Modelling

Roland Viger

Ph.D. 2011
Areas of interest: GIS; Modelling Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2011 - Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Keywords to Characterize Geographic Information Systems Procedures
Jessica Voveris

Jessica Voveris

MA -2022 • climatology • arctic climate change • the relationship between changes in the climate and extreme weather patterns
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Mark Serreze Title: Meteorological Drivers of Arctic Rain-on-Snow Events and How Climate Change May Influence Associated Risks Introduction I am a graduate student (masters program) within the Geography Department here at CU Boulder. I expect to graduate Spring 2022. I am interested in non-academia. My research focus is on climate science, and I am primarily concerned with Arctic climate change with Mark Serreze as my advisor. I graduated...
Kendle Wade Portrait

Kendle Wade

M.A. 2010
Human Geography • Environment-Society
Areas of interest: Envir/Society Relations, ecotourism, research and policy development, DART Faculty Advisor: Mara Goldman Thesis 2010 - Performance as a Means of Participatory Development for Kenyan Community Based Organizations
Xi Wang

Xi Wang

Ph.D. 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • Energy transitions; electricity systems; China; electricity planning
Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh Disseration title: Research Interests Xi is broadly interested in energy transitions to a low-carbon economy, particularly in the electricity sector. Her doctoral research examines electricity sector planning in China. Xi received her Master of Science degree in Environmental Studies in May 2014. Her thesis, The Emergence of the Renewable Portfolio Standard in the U.S.: A Case Study of Negotiating Power in California, traces the origins of...
Xueqian Wang photo portrait

Xueqian Wang

PhD 2023 • Land-atmosphere interaction
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken
Luke Ward Portrait

Luke Ward

Ph.D. 2010
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Integrated Resource Management, indigenous knowledge, political ecology, Latin America, Q-method Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Dunn Thesis 2010 - The Bureaucracy of Nature: How Integrated Resource Management Excludes the Poor
Kristy Weber

Kristy Weber

M.A. 2017 • Climate change, carbon flux, micrometeorology and instrumentation
Physical Geography
Faculty Advisor: Peter Blanken
Jochen Wendel

Jochen Wendel

Ph.D. 2014
Areas of interest: GIS, Cartography, Self-Organizing Maps, Multimedia Visualization Faculty Advisor: Barbara Buttenfield Thesis 2014 - An Evaluation of Organization Methods for Data Types Commonly Used in the Geographic Domain Research Interests My research interests include Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Data Mining. SOMs are an artificial neural network classification technique for very large data sets. The SOM algorithm organizes data based on similarity where similarity is analogous to distance. In...
Will Wicherski photo portrait

Will Wicherski

M.A., 2019 • Interests: Rivers, geology
Physical Geography
Faculty advisor: John Pitlick Title: Quantifying Basin-Scale Bed Load Sediment Transport in a High-Energy River System
Adam Williams Portrait

Adam Williams

Ph.D. 2014 • M.A. 2010
Human Geography
Areas of interest: China; Scrap Recycling; Migration; GIS Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2010 - The Informal Recycler in Shanghai: Mobility, Migration and Citizenship 2014 - Excess and Access: Informal Recycling Networks and Participants in Shanghai, China Research Interests My research is currently based in Shanghai, where I lived for four years prior to enrolling at CU-Boulder. I study informal waste recyclers, who work as itinerant buyers and sorters of...
Travis Williams

Travis Williams

M.A. 2018
Areas of Interest: Human and Environmental Relationships Faculty Advisor: William R. Travis Thesis 2018 - Drought Index-Based Insurance for the US Cattle Ranching Industry
Alana Wilson

Alana Wilson

Ph.D. 2017 • Climate change, water resources and the cryosphere • M.A. 2015
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: climate change, water resources,and the cryosphere Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2015 - Hydrograph Separation Using Hydrochemistry Mixing Models: An Assessment of the Langtang River Basin, Nepal Dissertation 2017 - High Asia's Glaciers: Water Resources, Water Security and Scientific Capacity Building
Frank WItmer Portrait

Frank Witmer

Ph.D. 2007
Human Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: Landsat Imagery; Geospatial Technologies; Spatial Statistics; Political Geography; Bosnia Faculty Advisor: John O'Loughlin Thesis 2007 - The Effects of War on Land-Use/Land-Cover Change: An Analysis of Landsat Imagery for Northeast Bosnia
Kathryn Wright

Kathryn Wright

Ph.D. 2017 • Migration, international development, Senegal, United States
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Fernando Riosmena Research Interests My dissertation research explores how Senegalese migrants living in the United States take part in development activities in Senegal and the United States. In particular, I am investigating how migrants芒鈧劉 translocal identities shape and direct their development efforts. To better understand this process, I focus on the interplay between the contexts of reception, migrants芒鈧劉 interactions with religious organizations, international development organizations, and the Senegalese...
Li Xu Portrait

Li Xu

M.A. 2013
Areas of interest: internet based research on social relations, human mobility Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Foote Thesis 2013 - Improving Spatial Accuracy of Mobile Positioning Data in Human Mobility Studies: A Dasymetric Mapping Approach
Kehan Yang photo portrait

Kehan Yang

PhD 91制片厂国产AV, 2021 • Interests: snow hydrology, remote sensing
Physical Geography
Faculty advisor: Noah Molotch Dissertation Title:
Yang Yang

Yang Yang

Ph.D., 2019 • Ethnic geography; China, critical tourism studies
Human Geography
Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Title: Seeking Knowledge Even Unto China via Alternative Routes: Grassroots Muslim Connections, The New Silk Road, and the Hui in Xi鈥檃n, China

Bunyamin Yilmaz

M.A. 2016
Physical Geography • GIS
Areas of interest: watershed management; avalanche control Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2016 - Application of GIS-based fuzzy logic and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to snow avalanche susceptibility mapping, North San Juan, Colorado.
John (Ridge) Zachary photo portrait

John (Ridge) Zackary

M.A. 91制片厂国产AV, 2020 • Interests: urban geography
Human Geography
Advisor: Jennifer Fluri Thesis Title:
Amy Zader Portrait

Amy Zader

Ph.D. 2011
Human Geography
Areas of interest: Food Systems and Agriculture in China Faculty Advisor: Timothy Oakes Thesis 2011 - Grain as Commodity: The Making of Chinese Consumer-Citizens through the Northeast Rice Network
Morgan Zeliff Portrait

Morgan Zeliff

M.A. 2013
Physical Geography
Areas of interest: Hydrology of alpine watersheds; groundwater-surface water interaction; isotopes; water resources Faculty Advisor: Mark Williams Thesis 2013 - Hydrochemistry, Residence Time and Nutrient Cycling of Groundwater in Two, Climate-Sensitive, High-Elevation Catchments, Colorado Front Range
Qinghuan Zhang

Qinghuan Zhang

Ph.D. 2018
Physical Geography
Areas of Interest: Hydrology and Water Resources Faculty Advisor: Noah Molotch Thesis 2018 - Modeling the hydrology and hydrochemistry of the Boulder Creek Watershed
Lin Zhu

Lin Zhu

MA Univesity of Colorado Boulder 2020. • Areas of Interest: Political Ecology, International Development, Latin America and China
Human Geography
Thesis title: Displacement, Development and Capitalist Modernity: The making and unmaking of Morococha in Central Peru. Faculty Advisor: Emily Yeh
Hamid Zoraghein

Hamidreza (Hamid) Zoraghein

Ph.D. 2017 • GIScience; spatial statistics; small area estimation
Faculty Advisor: Stefan Leyk