Graduate Courses

IPHY 5100 (2). Colloquium in Integrative Physiology

Introduces a small group of students to current research topics in integrative physiology, evaluation of current research, and discussion of critical issues.

IPHY 5102 (2). Molecular Genetic Analysis of Physiology and Behavior

Utilizes molecular, classical, and quantitative genetics as a method for understanding the molecular basis of human and animal physiology and behavior. Prereqs., EBIO 2070 or 2670, or MCDB 2150.

IPHY 5200 (3). Physiological Genetics and Genomics

Introduces genetic and genomic concepts as they apply to mammalian physiology. The course covers fundamental concepts and methods in molecular genetics and genomics and their applications towards understanding the role of genetics in the normal and pathological function of physiological systems. Required of first year students in Behavioral Genetics certificate program.

IPHY 5440 (4). Endocrinology

Introduces mammalian endocrine system. Course provides a thorough analysis and integration of chemical communication by hormones, paracrines, and semiochemicals.

IPHY 5550 (3). Exercise Biochemistry

Examines the underlying biochemical mechanisms that are responsible for the physiological adaptations to short- and long-term dynamic exercise. The interaction of key biochemical alterations as it relates to disease (diabetes, aging) and exercise will be addressed. Prereq., one year of chemistry. Prereq. or coreq., IPHY 4650 or instructor consent.

IPHY 5580 (3). Sleep Physiology

Describes the physiology and neurobiology of sleep and impact of sleep, sleep deprivation, and sleep disorders on immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and neural systems, as well as examines changes in sleep across the life span. The integrative nature of sleep and circadian rhythms in normal physiological and cognitive function and their importance in health and disease processes will be emphasized.

IPHY 5600 (4). Immunology

Studies the immune system, a multi-cellular system that functions to protect us from disease. Introduces concepts associated with the development and function of individual cells of the immune system (T-cells, B-cells, neutrophils, dendritic cells, macrophages), as well as their integrative roles in physiology and host defense.

IPHY 5780 (3). Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, and Health

Examines the history of the fields of sleep and circadian rhythms; lifespan development of sleep and rhythms; observational, physiological, and clinical measures of sleep; screening for sleep and circadian disorders; associations between poor sleep and circadian misalignment and health; and evidenced-based sleep and circadian interventions/preventions in healthy and clinical samples.

IPHY 5800 (5). Advanced Statistics and Research Methods in Integrative Physiology

Focuses on how descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics apply to physiological data. Provides instruction and experience in using related computer programs and examines the many considerations involved in physiological research methods.

IPHY 5840 (1-6). Graduate Independent Study

Restricted to IPHY graduate students. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.

IPHY 5880 (3). Advanced Data Analysis in Biomedical Research

Provides advanced training on statistics and scientific reasoning in laboratory and clinical research. Conceptual foundations of classical and modern statistical techniques is reviewed. Multiple class projects consist of written reports on statistical analysis of data representative of the student's field of interest. The use of statistical packages, primarily R, is required.

IPHY 5900 (3). Data Literacy in Biomedical Research

Provides a platform to develop a deeper understanding of quantitative biomedical research, current trends, challenges, and limitations. The course complements graduate statistical training by introducing topics relevant to open science and data literacy, including reproducibility, data privacy challenges, and the importance of good data management. Challenges in advanced statistical data evaluation and analysis in biomedical research settings will be discussed.

IPHY 6010 (3). Physiology of Aging

Primary emphasis is on the human cardiovascular system in health, chronic disease, and normal aging.

IPHY 6010 (1). Seminar-Sleep Medicine

This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of basic and clinical sleep research/medicine. The topics that are covered each semester are designed to occur in coordination with the Sleep Grand Rounds conducted at Harvard Medical School. It will help you better understand the role of sleep in human health and disease. In addition, the course will introduce the student to neuroscience topics in sleep and circadian rhythms.

IPHY 6010 (3). Stress Physiology

This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of clinical and basic stress physiology/research. It will help you better understand the role of stressphysiology in human health and disease. In addition, the course will introduce the student to neuroscience topics related to stress physiology.

IPHY 6010 (3). Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a clear understanding of the basic physiological, cellular, and molecular underpinnings of neurodegenerative diseases and pathologies linked to normal aging. IPHY6010 is designed to emphasize readings of the primary literature with an eye towards critical thinking about experimental design and impact on the neurodegenerative field. The class will also compare the results of basic science findings to information disseminated to the larger population by mass media sources. Genetic sources and resulting molecular signal transduction pathways will be emphasized with less emphasis on electrophysiological and systems levels dysfunction.

IPHY 6660 (3). Locomotion Energetics and Biomechanics

Critiques and discusses both classic and cutting edge scientific research in the area of terrestrial locomotion.

IPHY 6680 (3). Matlab for Physiological and Biomechanical Research

This introduction to Matlab programming will teach the skills needed to write and modify programs for data acquisition and analysis, statistics, plotting, and simulation.

IPHY 6830 (3). Professional Skills for the Research Scientist

Focuses on delineation of research problems, types of research, design of experiments, specific research procedures and tools, and instruction in preparation of proposals, research papers, and theses.

IPHY 6840 (1-3). Research Project

Involves a scholarly investigation of a selected topic using literature and/or experimental techniques. Advisor required. You must take three credits.

IPHY 6950 (1-6). Master's Thesis

Restricted to IPHY graduate students. You must take at least three credits and can take up to six credits.

IPHY 8990 (1-10). Doctoral Dissertation

All doctoral students must register for at least 30 hours of dissertation credit as part of the requirements for the degree. For a detailed discussion of doctoral dissertation credit, refer to the Graduate School section.