
Most publications by Dan are listed below and at least recently, most of other lab members. However, we are certainly missing some other pubs done by people in the lab. Student authors (grad and undergrad) when the work was done are shown in bold; postdocs in italics. These include students and postdocs in our lab as well as others.


  • Peterson, M. L., G. Bailes, L. Hendricks, L. Pfeifer-Meister,听P. B. Reed, S. D. Bridgham, B. R. Johnson,听R. Shriver, E. Waddle, H. Wroton, D. F. Doak, B. A. Roy, W. F. Morris. 2021. Latitudinal gradients in population growth do not reflect demographic responses to climate. Ecological Applications 31.
  • Bakker, V., D. F.听听Doak, and F. Ferrara. 2021. Understanding extinction risk and resilience in an extremely small population facing climate and ecosystem change Ecosphere 12:e03724
  • Castillo Vardaro, J, J.听听Bonachela,听C. Baker, M. Pinsky, D. F.听听Doak, R. Pringle, and C. E. Tarnita. 2021. Resource availability and heterogeneity shape the self-organization of regular spatial patterning. Ecology Letters DOI: 10.1111/ele.13822
  • Oldfather, M., M. Koontz, D. F. Doak, and D. Ackerly. 2021. Range Dynamics Mediated by Compensatory Life Stage Responses to Experimental Climate Manipulations. 2021. Ecology Letters 24: 772鈥780. doi: 10.1111/ele.13693
  • Doak, D. F.,听E. Waddle, R. E. Langendorf, A. M. Louthan, N. I. Chardon, R. Dibner, D. Keinath, E. Lombardi, C. Steenbock, R. K. Shriver, C. Linares, M.B. Garcia, W. C.听Funk, S. W. Fitzpatrick, W.F. Morris, and听M. L. Peterson. 2021.听A critical comparison of integral projection and matrix projection models for demographic analysis. Ecological Monographs.


  • Doak, D. F. 2020. Contribution to remembrances of Michael Soule, Conservation Biology
  • Oro, D. and D. F. Doak. 2020. Breeding transients in capture-recapture modeling and their consequences for local population dynamics. Scientific Reports
  • Reed, P.听M. Peterson, L. Pfeifer-Meister, W. F. Morris, D. F.听听Doak, B.; Roy, B.听听Johnson, G. Bailes, A. Nelson, and S. Bridgham. 2020. Climate manipulations differentially affect plant population dynamics within versus beyond northern range limits. Journal of Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13494
  • Baker, C. M., J.A Castillo Vardaro, D. F Doak, J. Pansu, J. Puissant, R. M. Pringle, and C. E. Tarnita. 2020.听Spatial patterning of soil microbial communities created by African fungus-farming termites. Molecular Ecology.
  • Zonana, D. M., J. M. Gee, M. D. Breed, and D. F. Doak.听2020.听Dynamic shifts in social network structure and composition within a breeding hybrid population. Journal of Animal Ecology.听
  • Bakker, V., T. S. Sillett, B. Cohen, W. Reisen, D. F. Doak, S. A. Morrison, T. W. Vickers, W. Boyce, M. Hallworth. 2020. Translocation with targeted vaccination is the most effective strategy to protect an island endemic bird threatened by West Nile virus. Diversity and Distributions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13109


  • Smith,听A. B. et. al. (68 coauthors, including D. F. Doak). 2019. Alternatives to genetic affinity as a context for within-species response to climate.听Nature Climate Change听9:787鈥794.
  • Chardon, N. I., S. Pironon,听M. L. Peterson, and D. F. Doak. 2019. Incorporating intraspecific variation into species distribution models improves distribution predictions, but cannot predict species traits for a wide-spread plant species. Ecography听
  • Louthan, A. L., E. Valencia, D. J. Martins, T. Guy, J. Goheen, T. Palmer, and D. F.听听Doak. 2019. Large mammals generate both top-down effects and extended trophic cascades, mediated through flowers, on floral visitor communities. Journal of Tropical Ecology
  • Peterson, M., W.F. Morris, C. Linares, and D. F. Doak. 2019. Improving structured population models with more realistic representations of non鈥恘ormal growth. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13240
  • Langendorf, R. and D. F. Doak. 2019. Can community structure causally determine dynamics of constituent species? A test using a host-parasite community. American Naturalist
  • Chardon, N.I.,听C. Rixen, S. Wipf , and D. F. Doak. 2019. Human trampling disturbance exerts different ecological effects at contrasting elevational range limits. Journal of Applied Ecology.听DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13384听
  • Zonana, D.M., J. M. Gee, E. S. Bridge, M. D. Breed, and D. F. Doak. 2019. Assortative behavior structures social networks in a quail hybrid zone. American Naturalist
  • Waddle, E., L. Piedrahita, E. Hall, G. Kendziorski, W. F. Morris, M. L. Peterson, and D. F. Doak. 2019. Individual variation in reproductive success contributes to population stability and resilience to climate variation. Ecology.
  • Montero-Serra, I., J.听 Garrabou, D. F. Doak, J. Ledoux, and C. Linares. 2019. Marine protected areas enhance structural complexity but do not buffer the detrimental consequences of ocean warming for an overexploited precious coral. J. Applied Ecology 56:1063鈥1074.
  • 顿颈产苍别谤,听搁., M. L. Peterson, A. L. Louthan, and D.F. Doak. 2019. Comparative effects of multiple mechanisms conferring stability to isolated populations of a rare endemic plant. Ecological Monographs 89
  • Peterson, M. L., D. F. Doak, and W. F. Morris. 2019. Incorporating local adaptation into forecasts of species鈥 distribution and abundance under climate change. Global Change Biology.


  • Hall, E. S., L.R. Piedrahita, G. Kendziorski, E. Waddle, D. F. Doak, and M. L. Peterson.听Climate and synchrony with conspecifics determine the effects of flowering phenology on reproductive success in Silene acaulis. Arctic, Alpine, and Antarctic Research. 2018.

  • Brodie, J. F., K. H. Redford, and听D. F. Doak. 2018. Ecological Function Analysis: Incorporating species roles into conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.听

  • Louthan, A.M. and听D.F. Doak. 2018. Measurement error of state variables creates substantial bias in results of demographic population models. Ecology听

  • Chardon, N., S. Wipf, C. Rixen, Christian, A. Beilstein, and听D.F. Doak. 2018. Local trampling disturbance effects on alpine plant populations and communities: negative implications for climate change vulnerability. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4276

  • Montero-Serra, I., C. Linares,听D.F. Doak, J. B. Ledoux, and J. Garrabou. 2018. Strong linkages between depth, longevity and demographic stability across marine sessile species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.2688

  • Bakker V, Finkelstein M, Doak DF, Young L, VanderWerf E, Arata J, Sievert P, Vanderlip C. In press. The albatross of assessing and managing risk for long-lived pelagic yet terrestrial breeding species.听Biological Conservation.

  • Dibner R, Murphy ME, Doak DF. In press. Discrepancies in occupancy and abundance approaches to identifying and protecting habitat for at-risk species.听Ecology and Evolution.


  • Irons RD, Harding Scurr A, Rose AP, Hagelin JC, Blake T, Doak DF. 2017. Wind and rain are the primary climate factors driving changing phenology of an aerial insectivore.听Proceedings of the Royal Society B听284:20170412.听
  • Genovart M, Doak DF, Igual JM, Sponza S, Kralj J, Oro D. 2017. Varying demographic impacts of different fisheries on three Mediterranean seabird species.听Global Change Biology听doi: 10.1111/gcb.13670.听
  • Abbott R, Doak DF,听Peterson M. 2017. Portfolio effects, climate change, and the persistence of small populations: analyses on the rare plant听Saussurea weberi.听Ecology听98:1071-1081.听
  • Montero-Serra I, Garrabou J, Doak DF, Figuerola L, Hereu B, Ledoux J, Linares C. 2017. Accounting for life-history strategies and timescales in marine restoration.听Conservation Letters听doi: 10.1111/conl.12341.听
  • Keinath DA, Doak DF, Hodges KE, Prugh LR, Fagan W, Sekercioglu CH, Buchart SHM, Kauffman M. 2017. A global analysis of traits predicting species sensitivity to habitat fragmentation.听Global Ecology and Biogeography听26:115-127.听


  • Novak M, Yeakel JD, Noble AE, Doak DF, Emmerson M, Estes JA, Jacob U, Tinker MT, Wootton JT. 2016. Characterizing species interactions to understand press perturbations: What is the community matrix?听Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics听47:409-432.听
  • Winchell EW, Anderson RS, Lombardi EM, Doak DF. 2016. Gophers as geomorphic agents in the Colorado Front Range subalpine zone.听Geomorphology听264:41-51.听
  • Estes JA, Burdin A, Doak DF. 2016. Sea otters, kelp forests, and the extinction of Steller sea cow.听Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences听113:880-885.听


  • Louthan AM, Doak DF, Angert AL. 2015. Where and when do species interactions set range limits?听Trends in Ecology and Evolution听30:780-792.听
  • Villellas J, Doak DF, Garc铆a MB, Morris WF. 2015. Demographic compensation among populations: what is it, how does it arise, and what are its implications?听Ecology Letters听18:1139-1152.听
  • Yandow LH, Chalfoun AD, Doak DF. 2015. Climate tolerances and habitat requirements jointly shape the elevational distribution of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) with implications for climate change effects.听PLOS One听doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131082.
  • Dibner R, Lombardi E, Doak DF. 2015. An ecological engineer maintains consistent spatial patterning, with implications for community-wide effects.听Ecosphere6:art151.
  • Pardo I, Doak DF, Garc铆a-Gonz谩lez R, G贸mez D, Garc铆a MB. 2015. Long-term response of plant communities to herbivore exclusion at high elevation grasslands.听Biodiversity and Conservation听doi: 10.1007/s10531-015-0996-3.听
  • Ravent贸s J, Gonz谩lez E, M煤jica E, Doak DF. 2015. Population Viability Analysis of the Epiphytic Orchid听Dendrophylax lindenii.听Biotropica.听PDF
  • Doak DF, Himes Boor GK, Bakker VJ, Morris WF,听Louthan A, Morrison SA, Stanley A, Crowder L. 2015. Recommendations for Improving Recovery Criteria under the US Endangered Species Act.听Bioscience听65:189-99.听PDF
  • Pironon S, Villellas J, Morris WF, Doak DF, Garc铆a MB. 2014. Do geographic, climatic or historical ranges differentiate the performance of central versus peripheral populations?听Global Ecology and Biogeography听诲辞颈:听10.1111/驳别产.12263听PDF


  • Doak DF,听Cutler K.听2014. Van Manen听et al. doth protest too much: new analyses of the Yellowstone Grizzly population confirm the need to reevaluate past population trends.听Conservation Letters听7:332鈥333.听
  • Doak DF, Bakker VJ, Goldstein BE, Hale B. 2014. Moving forward with effective goals and methods for conservation: a reply to Marvier and Kareiva.听Trends in Ecology and Evolution听29:132-133.听
  • Doak DF, Morris WF. 2014. Life and Times of Alaska's Tundra Plants: How Long Do They Live, and How Are They Responding to Changing Climate?听Alaska Park Science12.听
  • Louthan AM, Doak DF, Goheen JR, Palmer TM, Pringle RM. 2014. Mechanisms of plant 鈥 plant interactions: concealment from herbivores is more important than abiotic-stress mediation in an African savannah.听Proceedings of the Royal Society B281:20132647.听
  • Doak DF, Bakker VJ, Goldstein BE, Hale B. 2014. What is the future of conservation?听Trends in Ecology & Evolution听29, 77鈥81.听


  • Doak DF,听Cutler K.听2013. Re-evaluating evidence for past population trends and predicted dynamics of Yellowstone grizzly bears.听Conservation Letters.听
  • Doak DF,听Bakker VJ, Vickers W. 2013. Using Population Viability Criteria to Assess Strategies to Minimize Disease Threats for an Endangered Carnivore.听Conservation Biology听27, 303鈥314.听
  • Loso MG, Doak DF, Anderson RS. 2013. Lichenometric dating of Little Ice Age glacier moraines using explicit demographic models of lichen colonization, growth, and survival.听Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
  • Louthan AM, Doak DF, Goheen JR, Palmer TM, Pringle RM. 2013. Climatic stress mediates the impacts of herbivory on plant population structure and components of individual fitness.听Journal of Ecology听101, 1074-1083听


  • Shriver RK,听Cutler K, Doak DF. 2012. Comparative demography of an epiphytic lichen: support for general life history patterns and solutions to common problems in demographic parameter estimation.听Oecologia听70, 137鈥146.听
  • Finkelstein ME, Doak DF, George D, Burnett J, Brandt J, Church M, Grantham J, Smith DR. 2012. Lead poisoning and the deceptive recovery of the critically endangered California condor.听Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences听109, 11449鈥11454.听


  • Monson DH, Doak DF, Ballachey BE, Bodkin JL. 2011. Could residual oil from the Exxon Valdez spill create a long-term population 鈥渟ink鈥 for sea otters in Alaska?听Ecological Applications听21, 2917鈥2932.听
  • Maclean JE, Goheen JR, Doak DF, Palmer TM, Young TP. 2011. Cryptic herbivores mediate the strength and form of ungulate impacts on a long-lived savanna tree.听Ecology听92, 1626鈥1636.听
  • Conway-Cranos LL, Doak, DF. 2011. Sampling errors create bias in Markov models for community dynamics: the problem and a method for its solution.听Oecologia听167, 199鈥207.听
  • Novak M, Wootton JT, Doak DF, Emmerson M, Estes JA, Tinker MT. 2011. Predicting community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity.听Ecology听92, 836鈥846.听


  • Mooers AO, Doak DF, Findlay CS, Green DM, Grouios C, Manne LL, Rashvand A, Rudd MA, Whitton J. 2010. Science, Policy, and Species at Risk in Canada.听BioScience听60, 843鈥849.听

  • Doak DF, Morris WF. 2010. Demographic compensation and tipping points in climate-induced range shifts.听Nature听467, 959鈥962.听

  • Palmer TM, Doak DF, Stanton ML, Bronstein JL, Kiers ET, Young TP, Goheen JR, Pringle RM. 2010. Synergy of multiple partners, including freeloaders, increases host fitness in a multispecies mutualism.听Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences听107, 17234鈥17239.听
  • Pringle RM, Doak DF, Brody AK, Jocqu茅 R, Palmer TM. 2010. Spatial Pattern Enhances Ecosystem Functioning in an African Savanna.听PLoS Biololgy听8.听
  • Fox-Dobbs K, Doak DF, Brody AK, Palmer TM. 2010. Termites create spatial structure and govern ecosystem function by affecting N2 fixation in an East African savanna.听Ecology听91, 1296鈥1307.听
  • Finkelstein ME, Doak DF,听Nakagawa M, Sievert PR, Klavitter J. 2010. Assessment of demographic risk factors and management priorities: impacts on juveniles substantially affect population viability of a long-lived seabird.听Animal Conservation13, 148鈥156.听
  • Linares C, Doak DF. 2010. Forecasting the combined effects of disparate disturbances on the persistence of long-lived gorgonians: a case study of Paramuricea clavata.听Marine Ecology Progress Series听402, 59鈥68.听
  • Brody AK, Palmer TM,听Fox-Dobbs K, Doak DF. 2010. Termites, vertebrate herbivores, and the fruiting success of Acacia drepanolobium.听Ecology听91, 399鈥407.听
  • Wolf SG, Snyder MA, Sydeman WJ, Doak DF, Croll DA. 2010. Predicting population consequences of ocean climate change for an ecosystem sentinel, the seabird Cassin's auklet.听Global Change Biology听16, 1923鈥1935.听
  • Finkelstein ME, Wolf S, Goldman M, Doak DF, Sievert PR, Balogh G, Hasegawa H. 2010. The anatomy of a (potential) disaster: Volcanoes, behavior, and population viability of the short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus).听Biological Conservation143, 321鈥331.听


  • Estes JA, Doak DF, Springer AM, Williams TM. 2009. Causes and consequences of marine mammal population declines in southwest Alaska: a food-web perspective.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences听364, 1647鈥1658.听
  • Bakker VJ, Doak DF. 2009. Population viability management: ecological standards to guide adaptive management for rare species.听Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment听7, 158鈥165.听
  • Bakker VJ, Doak DF, Roemer GW, Garcelon DK, Coonan TJ, Morrison SA, Lynch C, Ralls K, Shaw R. 2009. Incorporating Ecological Drivers and Uncertainty into a Demographic Population Viability Analysis for the Island Fox.听Ecological Monographs听79, 77鈥108.
  • Estes JA, Doak DF, Springer AM, Williams TM, van Vliet GB. 2009. Trend data do support the sequential nature of pinniped and sea otter declines in the North Pacific Ocean, but does it really matter?听Marine Mammal Science听25, 748鈥754.听


  • Tinker MT, Doak DF, Estes JA. 2008. Using demography and movement behavior to predict range expansion of the southern sea otter.听Ecological Applications听18, 1781鈥1794.听
  • Doak DF, Estes JA, Halpern BS, Jacob U, Lindberg DR, Lovvorn J, Monson DH, Tinker MT, Williams TM, Wootton JT, Carroll I, Emmerson M, Micheli F, Novak M. 2008. Understanding and predicting ecological dynamics: are major surprises inevitable?听Ecology听89, 952鈥961.听
  • Morris WF, Pfister CA, Tuljapurkar S, Haridas CV, Boggs CL, Boyce MS, Bruna EM, Chruch DR, Coulson T, Doak DF, Forsyth S, Gaillard JM, Horvitz CC, Kalisz S, Kendall BE, Knight TM, Lee CT, Menges ES. 2008. Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability.听Ecology听89, 19鈥25.听
  • Springer AM, Estes JA, van Vliet GB, Williams TM, Doak DF,听Danner EM, Pfister B. 2008. Mammal-eating killer whales, industrial whaling, and the sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: A reply to critics of Springer et al. 2003.听Marine Mammal Science听24, 414鈥442.听
  • Bolger DT, Newmark WD, Morrison TA, Doak DF. 2008. The need for integrative approaches to understand and conserve migratory ungulates.听Ecology Letters听11, 63-77.听


  • Linares C, Doak DF, Coma R, D铆az D, Zabala M. 2007. Life history and viability of a long-lived marine invertebrate: the octocoral Paramuricea clavata.听Ecology听88, 918鈥928.听
  • Agrawal AA, Ackerly DD, Adler F, Arnold AE, C谩ceres C, Doak DF, Post E, Hudson PJ, Maron J, Mooney KA, Power M, Schemske D, Stachowicz J, Strauss S, Turner MG, Werner E. 2007. Filling Key Gaps in Population and Community Ecology.听Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment听5, 145鈥152.听
  • Doak DF,听Bakker V,听Finkelstein M, Sullivan B, Lewison R, Keitt B, Arnold J, Croxall J, Micheli F, Sanjayan M. 2007. Compensatory mitigation for marine bycatch will do harm, not good.听Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment听5, 350鈥351.


  • Tinker MT, Doak DF, Estes JA, Hatfield BB, Staedler MM, Bodkin JL. 2006. Incorporating Diverse Data and Realistic Complexity into Demographic Estimation Procedures for Sea Otters.听Ecological Applications听16, 2293鈥2312.听
  • Elderd BD, Doak DF. 2006. Comparing the direct and community-mediated effects of disturbance on plant population dynamics: flooding, herbivory and Mimulus guttatus.听Journal of Ecology听94, 656鈥669.听
  • Inouye BD, Underwood N, Doak DF, Kareiva P. 2006. Interviewing for Academic Jobs.听Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America听87, 155鈥158.听
  • Gross K, Morris WF, Wolosin MS, Doak DF. 2006. Modeling vital rates improves estimation of population projection matrices.听Population Ecology48, 79鈥89.听


  • Loso MG, Doak DF. 2005. The biology behind lichenometric dating curves.听Oecologia听147, 223鈥229.听
  • Donlan CJ,听Knowlton J, Doak DF, Biavaschi N. 2005. Nested communities, invasive species and Holocene extinctions: evaluating the power of a potential conservation tool.听Oecologia听145, 475鈥485.听
  • Doak DF, Morris WF, Pfister C, Kendall BE, Bruna EM. 2005. Correctly estimating how environmental stochasticity influences fitness and population growth.听The American Naturalist听166, E14-21.听
  • Doak DF, Gross K, Morris WF. 2005. Understanding and predicting the effects of sparse data on demographic analyses.听Ecology听86, 1154鈥1163.听


  • Forbis TA, Doak DF. 2004. Seedling establishment and life history trade-offs in alpine plants.听American Journal of Botany听91, 1147鈥1153.听
  • Morris WF, Doak DF. 2004. Buffering of life histories against environmental stochasticity: accounting for a spurious correlation between the variabilities of vital rates and their contributions to fitness.听The American Naturalist, 163, 579鈥590.听
  • Doak DF,听Loso MG. 2004. Effects of grizzly bear digging on alpine plant community structure.听Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research听35, 421鈥428.听
  • Gerber LR,听Tinker MT, Doak DF, Estes JA, Jessup DA. 2004. Mortality sensitivity in life-stage simulation analysis: a case study of southern sea otters.听Ecological Applications听14, 1554鈥1565.听
  • Forde SE, Doak DF. 2004. Multitrophic interactions mediate recruitment variability in a rocky intertidal community.听Marine Ecology Progress Series听275, 33鈥45.听
  • Estes JA,听Danner EM, Doak DF, Konar B, Springer AM, Steinberg PD, Tinker MT, Williams TM. 2004. Complex trophic interactions in kelp forest ecosystems.听Bulletin of Marine Science听74, 621鈥638.听


  • Springer AM, Estes JA, van Vliet GB, Williams TM, Doak DF,听Danner EM, Forney KA, Pfister B. 2003. Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: an ongoing legacy of industrial whaling?听Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100, 12223鈥12228.听
  • Elderd BD,听Shahani P, Doak DF. 2003. The Problems and Potential of Count-Based Population Viability Analyses. In CA Brigham & MW Schwartz (Eds.), Population Viability in Plants (pp. 173鈥201). Springer.听
  • Doak DF, Marvier M. 2003. Predicting the Effects of Species Loss on Community Stability. In P Kareiva & S Levin (Eds.), The Importance of Species (pp. 140鈥160). Princeton University Press.听


  • Doak DF,听Thomson D,听Jules ES. 2002. Population Viability Analysis for Plants: Understanding the Demographic Consequences of Seed Banks for Population Health. In SR Beissinger & DR McCullough (Eds.), Population Viability Analysis (pp. 312鈥337). The University of Chicago Press.听
  • Doak DF. 2001. Review: The Long-Awaited Sourcebook Arrives.听Conservation Biology15, 1825鈥1826.听
  • Harding EK, Doak DF, Albertson JD. 2001. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Predator Control: the Non鈥怤ative Red Fox as a Case Study.听Conservation Biology听15, 1114鈥1122.听
  • Crone EE, Doak D, Pokki J. 2001. Ecological influences on the dynamics of a field vole metapopulation.听Ecology听82, 831鈥843.听
  • Monson DH, Doak DF, Ballachey BE, Johnson A, Bodkin JL. 2000. Long-term impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on sea otters, assessed through age-dependent mortality patterns.听Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America听97, 6562鈥6567.听
  • Morris WF, Doak DF, Groom M, Kareiva P. 1999. A practical handbook for population viability analysis (pp. 1鈥141). The Nature Conservancy.听
  • Mills LS, Doak DF, Wisdom MJ. 1999. Reliability of conservation actions based on elasticity analysis of matrix models.听Conservation Biology听13, 815鈥829.听
  • Kluse J, Doak DF. 1999. Demographic performance of a rare California endemic,听Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana听(Polygonaceae).听The American Midland Naturalist听142, 244鈥256.听
  • Doak DF, Morris W. 1999. Detecting population-level consequences of ongoing environmental change without long-term monitoring.听Ecology听80, 1537鈥1551.听
  • Morris WF, Doak DF. 1998. Life history of the long-lived gynodioecious cushion plant听Silene acaulis听(Caryophyllaceae), inferred from size-based population projection matrices.听American Journal of Botany听85, 784鈥784.听
  • Doak DF,听Bigger D, Harding EK, Marvier MA, O'Malley RE, Thomson D. 1998. The Statistical Inevitability of Stability鈥怐iversity Relationships in Community Ecology.听The American Naturalist听151, 264鈥276.听
  • Estes JA,听Tinker MT, Williams TM, Doak DF. 1998. Killer whale predation on sea otters linking oceanic and nearshore ecosystems.听Science听282, 473鈥476.听
  • Crooks KR,听Sanjayan MA, Doak DF. 1998. New insights on cheetah conservation through demographic modeling.听Conservation Biology听12, 889鈥895.听
  • Estes JA, Doak DF, Bodkin JR, Jameson RJ,听Monson DH,听Tinker MT. 1996. Comparative Demography of Sea Otter Populations.听Endangered Species UPDATE13, 11鈥13.听
  • Doak DF. 1995. Source鈥恠ink models and the problem of habitat degradation: general models and applications to the Yellowstone grizzly.听Conservation Biology听9, 1370鈥1379.听
  • Doak DF, Mills LS. 1994. A useful role for theory in conservation.听Ecology听75, 615鈥626.听
  • Doak DF, Kareiva P,听Klepetka B. 1994. Modeling population viability for the desert tortoise in the western Mojave Desert.听Ecological Applications听4, 446鈥460.听
  • Mills LS, Soule ME, Doak DF. 1993. The Keystone-Species Concept in Ecology and Conservation.听BioScience听43, 219鈥224.听
  • Harrison S, Stahl A, Doak DF. 1993. Spatial models and spotted owls: exploring some biological issues behind recent events.听Conservation Biology听7, 950鈥953.听
  • Doak DF. 1992. Lifetime impacts of herbivory for a perennial plant.听Ecology听73, 2086鈥2099.听
  • Doak DF. 1991. The consequences of herbivory for dwarf fireweed: Different time scales, different morphologial scales.听Ecology听72, 1397鈥1407.听
  • Doak DF. 1989. Spotted owls and old growth logging in the Pacific Northwest.听Conservation Biology听3, 389-396.听