
Resources for Faculty and Staff

Test accommodations at the Student Testing Center

Department Exam Accommodation and Scantron Policy

Department Waitlist Policy

Incomplete Agreement Form (for faculty)

Independent Study Form  (fill out with fcaulty you are doing the independent study with)

Special Action Form - this is to be used to add/drop after the deadline.  Please contact UG program assistant if needed.

Sociology Department Admin Contact List

Academic Calendars

Students of Concern Team, Division of Student Affairs

Quality Teaching Initiative Documents - This is a bookmarked pdf. Please expand the navigation pane on the left side and click on the bookmark icon for the full document.

Guidelines for using the QTI Reflection on Teaching in Merit Review

Standing Rules

Ketchum Rooms

Include the six consult rooms 218, 290, 331, 333, 335, 337. Capacity: 4 people

  1. The overflow rooms are primarily for graduate students to meet with their undergraduate students during office hours. Graduate students can reserve a 1-hour period by contacting the point person in their department. The overflow rooms are not meant to be scheduled on a continuous basis during someone’s office hours, but rather may be scheduled when graduate students think they will have a great deal of traffic because of an impending assignment or exam. If a room is empty, it can be used for an hour or until someone with an online reservation claims it, whichever comes first. Undergraduates can use the rooms that are empty.
  2. Exemptions from the 1-hour rule will be made in order to allow for accommodations stipulated by Disability Services, such as extra time for exams. All other requests for exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.

To reserve one of these rooms, please contact

KTCH 371 and study carrels

Ketchum 371 has two separate sections divided by a partial room divider: Open Space (West) and Study Carrels (East). Only the Open Space may be reserved.

  1. Faculty, staff and graduate students in any of the three departments can make a reservation to use the open space section. Contact to make a reservation.
  2. The open space section can be used for talks, meetings, receptions, etc. In the case of a conflict, priority will be given for main department events, such as job talks or conference bookings.
  3. Events in the open space section take priority over activity in the section with carrels such that those with a reservation in the open space area can ask others in the carrels to leave. (Will need to post signage).
  4. The room should not be used for regular, ongoing reservations (e.g. classes, weekly TA meetings, office hours, weekly writing groups).
  5. The entire room will be open for anyone associated with the three departments to use if there is no reservation – faculty, grad students, and undergraduates who are working with faculty or graduate students in the three departments.